You Cannot Beat the Lord’s Giving! 11.27.19

Back in the day I would hear the Deaconess choir sing “You Can’t Beat God’s Giving” by the Caravans! Ya’ll ever heard that song? Well I know the choir my mom sings on at NST knows that song. Those sopranos would be “getting it” on Sunday mornings.

(Full blog)
We going to take it back for you this morning.

You can’t beat God’s giving, no matter how you try.
And just as sure as you are living
and the Lord is in heaven on high.
The more you give, the more He give to you,
but keep on giving because it’s really true
that you can’t beat God’s giving, no matter how you try.
Verse 1:
Should we recieve and never give,
the Savior died that we might live.
His life on Calvary, He gladly gave,
our sinful souls to save.
Verse 2:
He gives me health, He keeps me strong,
He guides me when I would go wrong,
He gives me everything that I need,
my ever hunger feeds.
Verse 3:
He gave me peace, He made me whole,
and when in sin He saved my soul.
And what I gave would never be compared
with the blessing that I share.

See Jesus in everything and in everything you will find blessing. (Unknown Author)

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