“I’m coming home soon.” 2.3.2020

The last words I said to my daddy was “Im coming home soon daddy.” Daddy passed away before I made it back home.

Saturday night as I was preparing to leave the church, I looked down and noticed the tire was flat. It was just the boys and I because had gone to his cousins wedding so of course I’m a little aggravated because by this time it was after 10pm and I felt like I was stranded.

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4 thoughts on ““I’m coming home soon.” 2.3.2020

  1. I love this one and I did make sense with my directions haha it’s always hard to let go without saying goodbye that day was very tough but God kept us busy because he knew if he would’ve took pops while u were there u definitely couldn’t handle it God knew what he was doing We just have to be strong enough to except our lost because we al have our time to go PoPs memories will always live within us as well the MaMba I looked up to him as an inspiration it’s sad to see these things happen I pray for his family and the families of the passengers in the crash as well MaMba Out

    1. Just when I thought all of the tears had dried up for the day you go and send a heartfelt message like this.

      Thank you for being there for me when we lost my daddy. Thank you for being my rock and being my shoulder to lean on. Thank you for asking God for wisdom and knowing when to talk and when just to hold me and wipe my tear as I laid awake and cried many nights. And sometimes to this day, still do.

      It is a pain we all feel but you are right. He lives on through us. I love you!

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