Baking for a multitude.

My mother-in-law and her famous cupcakes. They are so good they will make your teeth fall out!

Over the years I have seen how my mother-in-law has worked to perfect her craft of baking. Though she can do an assortment of desserts like brownies, cakes, gourmet popcorn, jello sculptures, etc.; her speciality is making cupcakes.

Remember potlucks at church? Normally you have a sign up sheet in which the members can sign up for whatever they choose. Before she gets a chance to sign up, people already put her down for cupcakes. It’s like that when we have cookouts or other family gatherings- we already know we going to have Ezelda cupcakes, candy bags, popcorn bags, and if she feeling fancy then you will always find an edible or monetary treat in the middle. She is also known for her balloon assortment and creative decorating.

I have never seen someone decorate for everything. When I say everything, I mean EVERY OCCASION YOU COULD EVER THINK OF! Her cupcakes bring family together.

When several of us were feeling the pressure of the coronavirus in the beginning she held a cookout/pool party for her grandkids. We practiced social distancing, wore masks initially, and had plenty of hand sanitizer to go around. But with 14 grandkids it can be hard to keep the number of folks down.

I’ve always joked with her about when my kids eat “nana’s cupcakes”, I tell her and them all the time their teeth are going to fall out. I think it is the flavorful icing. Over the years I think she agreed to an extend because in their candy bags she packs hand sanitizer, a toothbrush, and toothpaste. What a combination! I play it smart- she always makes a special small batch for me with little to no icing at all. I want to salvage the teeth I have in my mouth 😂.

In all seriousness, she bakes out of the love. Her baking has brought many people together. It has mended broken hearts at funerals, brighten people’s day who are sick and shut in as she makes house visits to drop off her famous cupcakes, and it has even put a smile on hundreds of kids over the years. The kids in the neighborhood call her nana and know when she is throwing a party because you can smell the icing and barbecue down the street and there is normally a bouncy house, several pools, a popcorn machine, or a snow cone machine.

God has truly blessed her with the skills to encourage, love others, support, and show kindness. Even after having a total hip replacement she found the strength to make her grands cupcakes. Simply amazing!

Just as God has given Ezelda the gift of baking and spreading love through her family gatherings; God has given us all talents, crafts, and various skills. Have you tapped into yours? Have you found of what that talent, craft, or skill is? How are you using it to bring glory to God’s kingdom?

A few weeks back I wrote about hidden talents. Well today’s focus is for the more obvious things we possess. When a man or woman is skillful in their craft; it does not go unnoticed. Many people see their work and naturally gravitate to them.

A talent that is buried is useless but a skill that is utilized displays the glory of God who gives to all those special abilities, talents, and creative skills.

Unknown Source

Whenever I hear an artist, lyricist, writer, or composure talk about their talent; I’ve always wondered if they give God the glory. Man has to realize our crafts, gifts, and talents are all God-given. He gives them to us to bring glory to Him. It’s like Leandria Johnson, Aretha Franklin, Fantasia, Lauren Dingle, or Fleetwood Mac- they have voices like angels and they recognize were their talent came from. Sure they might have practiced, gone to school or sung on the church choir, but it God who gave it to them in the first place.

So many people have the gift to encourage, inspire, teach, or minister but they keep it to themselves. Why? It’s such a waste. Maybe someone just needs to show them their voice can be heard. Maybe they just need the boost of encouragement to know their opinion matters. Maybe they just need the opportunity to showcase their skill.

Has God placed it on your heart to use your gift of encouragement to take a young person under your wing and show them the ropes. Maybe they are waisting their talents of art on destroying public property with graffiti but could be making murals for the House of the Lord. Maybe they sing at “Chico and them functions” because no one ever invited them to join the church choir because they don’t have a ride. You have a car right- scoop them up on their way to church.

Over several months if not years Minister Kenneth Spry would send out early morning devotions that him or Uncle Bill had written. At the end of his message he would always say, “take a youth to church with you. After church give them a meal before you take them home.” I wonder if Minister Kenneth Spry aka Uncle Kent knew the seed that was being planted each time he sent that out to hundreds of people.

I remembered when I filled in as the Youth Choir Director at New St. Thomas RE Church of Ames Road. The choir started off with my kids, Faith’s son, and Cherise’s girls. The choir crew from just our kids to 18. From 18 to 25. I’ll never forget the time there were 31 kids on that choir stand. Rico and I would gas up the church van and go pick up the kids. We would feed them, take them to the park, bring them to the church for rehearsal, and then go find something else fun to do. Many times it was just Rico and I but Cherise was available she would tag along too. Cherise was such a Godsend and a remarkable support. She not only cared as a mother but as a friend and most importantly a child of God.

Cherise knew the importance of those kids singing praises to God. Like Cherise many didn’t see how God used them because it was just in their nature to genuinely care for others. Oh how I bless God for people who love unselfishly and who are committed to the health of God’s kingdom. Looking forward to getting back to church and starting to assemble a new group of children who want to sing to glorify God.

We may not be a famous designer like Bazalel in Exodus. We may not have the wisdom of Solomon. Nor may some of us not have the wisdom of Ruth BUT we all possess a gift, talent, or skill that will glorify God.

I encourage you to not neglect yours. I encourage you to help bring it out of your neighbors, your children, your spouse, your friends, and even your enemies.

Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the eldership. Meditate on these things; give yourself entirely to them, that your progress may be evident to all.
1 Timothy 4:14-15 NKJV

The morale of today’s story is to use your talents to glorify God. Whether it be baking like Ezelda, ministering and developing our youth like Uncle Kent, being a Missionary like my mom, Ojetta, Fran, Pat, Val, Vernandine, being an Evangalist like Sister Epps, pastoring like Rev. Hamilton, Pastor Steven, or Dr. Neal or singing like Mariam, Cynthia, or Eva- you are sitting on a gold mind that will bring praises to our God. I mean take me for example: you don’t see my cupcakes on a shelf, I’m not a pastor, singer, missionary, or Evangalist but I love hard, pray fervently, and care unconditionally. It’s my unique God given talent that might just help lead someone to Christ one day.

As I come to the end of today’s message I want you to remember a few things:

  • And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and it to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ. Colossians 3:23-24
  • Your gift, your talent, your skill is meant to be shared!
  • You are a Beloved child of God!
  • Your encourage, inspire, and are awesome.
  • You were wonderfully made!
  • You are unique!
  • You are loved!
  • Your are important!
  • Your life matters!
  • You matter!

So now that we have had this pep talk go get em tiger! Put your talent to use! Use what God has given you and ask Him for strength to do what He has tasked you to do. He doesn’t give you a task and not give you the tools you need to equip you for the job. Stop making excuses and get on out there. I’ll end from one of the lines from one of my all time favorite movies “Oh Brother Where Art Thou”

“Come on in boys, the water is fine.”

A line from Oh Brother Where Art Thou

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