Does it really matter?

Since my mom has been staying with us we have been able to watch so many good movies. She truly has an eye of picking out good movies! Last night we watched several movies but the one that stood out was entitled “Golden Mind.” If you have never seen this movie it is a MUST SEE!

The main characters of the story were named Belen, Seth, and Tammy. Throughout the movie Seth had lost almost everything. He lost his mother, his dad left them, they lost their home, he lost his job, and he almost lost the love of his life, Belen. Throughout the movie Belen had encouraged him to strengthen his relationship with God and to have a personal relationship. Let’s just say thank God he listened. Though he bullied, ostracized, humiliated, and ridiculed; he never lost hope.

Seth said he would be rich one day and marry Belen. Through the twists and turns and after growing impatient watching the movie, Seth finally got his wish. It was truly a happily ever after. He went from being poor to owning a beautiful home, buying his first car, being able to buy the restaurant that was being foreclosed that he had been a dishwasher for a very long time, to expanding and opening nine additional locations, reuniting with his dad, assisted his friend in choosing Christ, and he got to marry his one true love.

Everyone around him despised him because he was poor. Those same people began to loose everything but Seth forgave them and helped them.

The movie taught me a lot. It reaffirmed my priorities and it helped me realize some things simply don’t matter.

Growing up I always knew I would finish school, go to college, have a great job, get married and have kids, and live a full life. Although I’ve checked of most of my checklist I never knew it would have been so many bumps in the road. But through it all, God never left me.

Unfortunately a lot of things I brought on myself by choosing Whitnee’s way instead of God’s way. Let’s just say I fell on my face every time. I used to have my priorities jacked up. I can truly say with a humble heart that I thank God for never giving up on me- He changed me from the inside out. I can never repay Him for His unconditional love but I vow to serve Him and spread His love to others until the day I die.

Look at the apostle Peter. Some would describe him as a loud, cocky, self centered, impulsive jerk. He might have been all of those things but God uses him. God took those “not so favorable” characteristics and used Peter for His glory. He transformed Peter into a new man.

I wonder if Peter thought he wasn’t worthy enough for God to show favor? What about you, do you think you are “good enough” for God to use? Why or why not? (Please submit your honest answer below in the comment section) Tell me your answer and I’ll tell you mine but you have to keep on reading.

Peter was willing to change. He was obedient to God and a willing servant to be used by God.

I can honestly say I am a willing servant that wants to be used by God but sometimes my own insecurities get in the way. For example, I often let opportunities past me by because I feel like I’m not smart enough. Not finishing what I’ve started with school has weighed heavy on me over the years- and it doesn’t help that many people who are on the path I would like to go have Doctor in front of their name, Reverend, MDiv, etc.

I’ve struggled with that a lot and I truly think I have missed out on opportunities that could have taken me to the next level. So watching this movie with my mom really opened up my eyes. God didn’t use the wealthiest and most popular man to “change” the world or the mindset of those around him; God chose the one folks looked at as trash or a bum.

Rico always encouraged me to be Whitnee’ and so long I’ve hid behind the shadows until writing found me again. I’ve been writing since a little girl and back in 2015 on one afternoon when I was up to my neck in aggravation with “baby momma” drama I wrote my first motivational text. My rant and rave was turned into a positive spin although I wasn’t thinking too positive at the time- thank God I didn’t act on those feelings. This story could have turned out so differently.

God is not looking at my credentials, my level of education, my resume, my experience, or my long list of accomplishments- but like Peter, God is looking at my heart. He is looking at the willingness to change for His glory. In a small way I think God is using me to bring a form of encouragement to others. Thank you Lord!

The moral of today’s message is what we think is important is not in God’s eyes. God doesn’t care about what you drive, where you live, how much money you have in the bank or your degrees; He cares about …….

How will you finish the sentence above? Will you allow God to use you? Will you let your guard down and be vulnerable and honest to help others? It’s not as hard as you think- I do it everyday I write to you. Together we can change the world if we are willing to allow God to change us for His glory!

2 thoughts on “Does it really matter?

  1. Yes Pig Nose, I can relate. Everything that you said. I too have felt insecurities about finishing school and if I had chosen God’s way vs. Faith’s way, of course I wouldn’t be in the situation that I am in. However, I am blessed and grateful I l to have my children by my side and in the struggle of raising them on my own, I am glad to see that they bring much joy to others. Growing up, you know my relationship with you know who wasn’t all that great and even around my brother’s death, her attitude was still in a funk and to this very day, I don’t know what I ever did to her but Marc use to say that they are all jealous. But now our relationship has changed. I believe its due to her loving my children so and clinging on to my baby girl so. I thank God for that not because her attitude has changed towards the good towards me but God has softened her heart and I feel a sense of release of some kind of pain or hurt released. Glory to God. I sometimes think what if my path was different, that joy that is brought when I bring my kids over, what would it be placed with? Because clearly my presence didn’t make this change.Halleujah
    Oh the insecurities of me as well of not finishing school. Uhhh!!! I feel so not accomplished although I should give myself more credit for what I have done with 3 children alone! The struggle was real..BUT GOD🙌. Halleujah! Am I worthy to be used as a vessel, Heck No! But God’s GRACE and MERCY! I thank God that he is the is a GOD of a second chance . Amen! I am so Glad that 1John 1:9 says of we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Psalms 103:10-14 says He has not punished us as we deserve for all our sins, for his mercy towards those who fear and honor him is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth. Amen somebody. I am glad that I have surrendered to the Lord. I am Glad that he is using me to help someone else to Gorify his GREAT name! All I know is that if I seek God’s face, everything else will fall in place until I see him coming in the CLOUDS…..#TEAMJESUS #HE IS COMING ON THE CLOUDS #ARE YOU COMING WITH US
    #HALLEUJAH 🙌🙌🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

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