The seed was planted by Madison.

Months have gone by and my memory may be a little foggy in regards to a seed that was planted by Mandie during Sunday school. We had been talking about praise and worship songs and Mandie mentioned a song that she loved to do sign language and interpretive dance to entitled, “God of possible.”

After sharing the name of the song and what it meant to her; many of us attending Sunday school were blessed after we listened to it. I’ll admit I wasn’t one of the first ones to listen to it but after listening to Faith and how her kids took to this song; I was very intrigued!

The first time I heard little Madison sing this I was simply amazed. Faith has done a wonderful job with planting the seed (God’s word) into her children and God has used them several times to bless me and others. I remember when Faith and I took the kids to get ice cream and little Joshua wanted to bless the food; little did I know he was going to say The Lord’s Prayer. I didn’t know this then two year old would know it and be able to recite it as well as he did. And then about this song entitled, “God of possible.”

Even though Mandie, the sower, had mentioned this song it was the voice of little Madison that has brought tears to many eyes. I’ll never forget when Deanna was sick and Faith had been filled with sadness, Madison started singing. Before we knew it Joshua started singing and it brought joy to Deanna and a true source of comfort for the aching heart of Faith.

But if only you would have seen how many eyes had been captivated by the voice of this little one today in church. I’ve never heard a 5 year old sing with as much conviction as Madison. She sung the song so authentically and this would not have been possible had Mandie not shared what she did in Sunday school.

Todays message I dedicate to Mandie and Madison. Thank you for allowing the Word of God to be planted through this song sung by Madison and the choir and through the interpretative dance of Mandie.

From the moment I met Mandie I knew she was special. Yes we are all unique and wonderfully made but she has a calling on her life that is so bold, bright, and beautiful. Her smile, her voice, her sharing, and her caring just bless my whole heart.

I thank God for these two beautiful young ladies and I pray God bless them real good as much as they have blessed us.

Although some of you may not have been there, William recorded it to share with others. Make sure to like, share, and drop a star in the comment section below for the sowers of todays message: Mandie and Madison.

17 thoughts on “The seed was planted by Madison.

  1. Oh, how I love this story! The way God worked through Mandie and Maddie! ⭐️ Only the power of God! Makes the think of the verse in Isaiah…”and the little child shall lead them…” thank you, Whitnee!

  2. This was so awesome to read it’s wonderful to see the heart of God in even the little babies!! Warms my heart!!💕⭐️⭐️

  3. A wonderful way to begin a great service – thanks to Madison for singing and to Mandy for suggesting the song! Our praise team seems to be coming together!

  4. Oh words could not describe how proud I am of Madison for leading this song….also to my Joshie and EJ for singing it as well as the praise team and myself. I ❤️ this song. I am so grateful to have met Mandy for introducing this song to me and my children. I am glad to have sang it to Deanna. Mandy has blessed so many peoples lives with this song. Thanks Mandie. I pray Maddie has given other yungins the confidence to come and sing songs no matter your age. I am really proud of her. I want to thank Pastor Steven’s as well for letting her sing and Mr. Richard! We ❤️ Mr. Richard and Mrs. Carolyn! This song touches my heart and I can not stop smiling. I am smiling right now and its 10:33 PM. Oh its my prayer that Madison has ministered to someone today letting them know we serve a God of Possible!

    1. Oh she truly has ministered to all 73+ and counting folks who have viewed her post plus all the viewers and persons who attended church services today.

      Thank you Lord for using Madison to bless us all and we thank you Lord for giving her a mother that plants your word in them daily.

  5. Perhaps on these pilgrimages, when emotions are close to the surface and tears cannot be restrained, they will again thank God for their missionary son, who never lost the faith of a child, and then ponder deep within their hearts the Master’s words, “And a little child shall lead them.” (Isa. 11:6.)

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