Melodies from Heaven.

We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down but not destroyed-
always carrying about in the body of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.

2 Corinthians 4:8-10

Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet inward man is being renewed day by day.
For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

2 Corinthians 4:16-18

When I woke up this morning I hadn’t fully realized the actual date. I was so overwhelmed with frustration due to certain circumstances that had transpired over the last couple of days I totally forgot the significance of today. Daddy, can you believe today marks 17 years that God called you home? Where has time gone? Has it really been that long since I’ve seen your face, got a hug, ate your good cooking, laughed at your jokes, or sat in the bed watching Gunsmoke or Bonanza with you?!

This morning started off very shaky. For starters (excuse my language) it was hot as hell in the house. The air went out on Thursday and the thermostat read 89 degrees inside. I was between delirious and exhausted, borderline delusional to be honest. The boys all had testing this morning with the exception of William and they nor I slept well. It was just too hot and it made us all uncomfortable. Just my luck I was running behind this morning and then got stuck in traffic on the way taking Micah to school. About forty five minutes went by and I was on the way to the office.

Riding down the dirt road, I saw the most beautiful family of blue birds. Right after that I saw a bubbly RED bird. Seeing red birds always makes my day and puts a smile on my face, so of all days I was very grateful to have seen one.

I got in the desk and I was dragging. Sleep was calling my name and a bout of depression was knocking at my mental door inching his way in between the cracks of despair. I had to quote scripture and play a song that would help me fight off these feelings of depression and defeat.

While listening to War by Charles Jenkins I started to feel the weight slowly lifting off my shoulder. As I claimed 🎶 you can’t have my family, you can’t have my increase….this means war! 🎶 Its like a fire started to burn deep within. As the lightening started to illuminate the sky and the thunder roared and echoed through the sky like a lion, joy began to set in as I listened to the rush of the liquid sunshine. Nature had always been so peaceful but it was something about the rumble, the rain, and the bolts of lightning that felt so familiar. It created a sense of stillness in my heart.

I went from listening to War to Amazing by Mr. Dillard. Dad you know music has always been important to me and today wouldn’t be any different!

As I sat at my desk working I was working on trying to get the repair guy to come fix the air today and faced more adversity. Though frustrated, I didn’t give up. I had no choice but to go back to square one and hope for a better outcome this time. Hours went by and songs like I told the storm, This Battle is not yours, God’s got a blessing, and more helped me to really stay focused and keep a better attitude than what I had woke up with.

Listening to the music I finally went through all of my texts and to my surprise I had so many positive messages and words of encouragement. I was very shocked because I try my best to always send a word of encouragement but today was the day I received the encouragement. I received text messages that could only have been sent from God. I mean LITERALLY it’s like the blue bird, the RED bird, the lyrics to the songs, and then the unexpected notes of encouragement were all Melodies from heaven.

Shortly after the storm started to pass, the feelings of despair and sadness had dissipated. A breakthrough came right in the Nick of time. I mean all I can say is 🎶 HE’S AN ON TIME GOD, YES HE IS, said HE MAY NOT COME WHEN YOU WANT HIM, BUT HE’LL BE THERE RIGHT ON TIME, I said HE IS AN ON TIME GOD, YES HE IS! 🎶

I looked over at Jasmine and smiled. Still at this time I didn’t realize today was the 17th anniversary of your passing BUT looking back now it made the feelings I feel now more surreal.

God loves on us so tenderly and all the events that led up to this moment just showed me in a very tangible way just how much God cares for me and you.

Although I thanked each person (you know who you are) for allowing God to speak through them I stand corrected knowing it was God himself after my own heart.

You see it’s okay to admit when we are weary. Sometimes we don’t talk about them times enough and folks from the outside looking in think we have it all together. Daddy you of all people know I can be a hot mess sometime, even when it seems I have it all together, I don’t. But I serve the God who does and because I believe in Him and His promises over my life, I know everything is always going to be alright.

Daddy after loosing you I had to really understand what Ecclesiastes 3 was talking about. I’ve mourned, I’ve laughed, I’ve spoke, I’ve been quiet, I’ve acted, and I’ve been still- all in one day.

The Word tells us that God will deliver us from all of our troubles. It also says that He will keep us in perfect peace those who are steadfast, because they trust in You.

Daddy as I prepare to close todays message I just want to take the time to thank you for teaching me about God. I thank you and mom for making it y’all purpose for us to have a relationship with the Lord. Thank you for giving me the gift of love, hope, Faith, forgiveness, growth, knowledge, trust, a fighters spirit, empathy, compassion, and so much more. Thank you Daddy for giving me some of my best days and being the best dad a girl could ask for.

I know y’all up there eating good. Let me guess stewed chicken and rice….stewed tomatoes, rice, rogerwood sausage and fatback…rutabaga and pig tails….black eye peas and fried pork chop….liver and onions and cabbage….sardines and rice…egg and rice…peanut butter and jelly….field peas and okra…or y’all eating fish from Mr Brown’s fish market. (I done got hungry now lol). What momma over there saying (Whitnee’ you always hungry!)?!

I’m happy knowing I am ending today on a lighter note and that God brought the cool air. Things are starting to look up Daddy! I know the storms will come and I may get blown and may get knocked down but I was born a Davis, and we don’t stay down for long. I love you daddy, continue to get your rest, until we meet again.

To those persons who were my messengers from Heaven today, thank you! God brought so much joy to my heart from each message I received and I am so grateful.

May the Melodies from Heaven rain down on each and every one of you. God bless.

4 thoughts on “Melodies from Heaven.

  1. Love this, thank you giving us a message this evening. RIP Mr. Davis. Yes I know they eating real good. Those songs will always have you in the Spirit thanks for sharing. 💜

  2. Yes Mr. Davis. I sho miss you. I miss your conversations. I miss that I was so comfortable that I could talk to you about anything and I mean anything. You had those father/daughter conversations with me comfortably and made me feel comfortable. You made sho that Whitnee and I had breakfast every time that I came over. That roger wood sausage in the microwave a piece of light bread was bussing. I can’t thank you enough for the memories that you gave me. Lord have mercy, don’t get me started on what you thought was an earthquake from somebody falling down stairs. I wont say no names…..but Lord I cried laughing for days. Also when you told me to tell Whitnee to hurry up and get out of the shower and her response was……can I wash my behind and Lord if, looks could kill how Mrs. Davis asked me, Whitnee told you to tell him what? Lord Jesus! 🤣🤣🤣🤣. I loved loved loved the stewed tomatoes and rice, and roger wood sausage in my life…yes I said my life. I don’t believe I can make it as good as you but darn near close. Whitnee is now allergic to them I believe she ate them so much but she just needs to take a benadryl. Lord I am so glad for all the memories Mr. Davis and I have to make this or your day passing a National Stewed Tomatoes / Rice / Sausage Day for you. Thank you Whitnee for the memories. I needed those laughs….their my medicine in the world that we live in today. God bless.

    1. I miss those talks too! I mean Ralph Davis would talk to any and everybody that had ears and make them feel right at home.
      I can’t tell you how many of our friends came over to talk to my dad and eat his food (especially the stewed tomatoes and rice) verses just coming to hang out with us.

      You know I never thought of that, I wonder if I ate them too much and now that’s why I’m allergic?! Or could it be because I would never get them to be exactly like his and so to preserve the richness of that memory alone- I can never taste it again? Only God knows but YES I think he should have his own day- it’s grown folks that still talk about those stewed tomatoes and rice.

      Faith did I tell you Micah said the same thing to me one day when I told him to hurry up in the shower. I laughed so hard I couldn’t see straight thinking about when I was a teenager and my mom could have drop kicked me in my mouth.

      I pray our children will have the fond memories of us when they get older that they can pass on to their kids.

      Love you horse nose, thanks for the laugh.

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