I’m hot and tired but I won’t quit.

🎶 I just can’t give up now, I’ve come too far from where I started from. Nobody told me that the road would be easy but I don’t believe He’s brought this far to leave me. 🎶

Sometimes when my mind tries to play tricks on me I have to sing songs like Mary Mary’s “Can’t Give Up Now” to restore my positive outlook.

The devil been riding my coat tail and though he has been served his eviction notice, he is still throwing daggers at me every chance he gets. I’m sure I pissed him off because despite the carpel tunnel, I’m still writing to tell others how good God is. Despite the noisy folks that can’t mind their own business to save their lives, all they can say is she still praises her God despite what’s going on. And even right now sitting in just the bare minimum because the air went out again and the thermostat says 94 degrees, I shout, “I trust you Lord and I will not give up.”

You see yesterday a dream of mine became a reality and just as quick as I smiled and thanked the Lord I was crying the next moment out of frustration. Although I was crying I know God’s got me. I can’t deny myself of feeling aggravated because it’s always something and I rather express those feelings in a healthy way verses hide them like everything is roses. Trust me “it ain’t” but I know who holds me and whom I belong to so no matter the current situation, I know God’s got me.

After getting off the phone with my sweet friend William comes in the room and asks could we go buy a fan- I looked at him drenched in sweat and I said sure. My first instinct was to just give him the fan I was using since his ceiling fan wasn’t cutting the mustard but he insisted he didn’t want me to suffer so he would use his allowance to buy himself a fan.

Tears rolled down my face because my children know the right words to lift my spirits when I feel like my best isn’t good enough. Then out of the blue I looked at a text Uncle Kent sent, boy talking about perfect timing.


It was God speaking through this young lady encouraging my soul.

So at 10 when the boys should have been asleep already we went for a late night scroll to get some ice water and ice cream for them to cool off. While sitting in the parking lot, a miracle happened.

I just want to encourage whomever may be going through something to not quit and never give up on God. There are so many reasons of why it is easy to throw in the towel but we are better than that. We would not dare to give the enemy the satisfaction. God already won! All we have to do is keep the faith. Trust God in the dark, in the heat, in the unknown, during the frustrating moments, when you don’t know where or when your next meal coming from, etc.

I’m a living witness of God’s love.

I want you all to always remember don’t get so caught up in your situation that you forget to be a blessing to someone else. It’s always someone out there that has it far worse than you. Like I told Mrs Rita, I’m not focusing on how unbearable the heat is in my house right now because I know the technician is scheduled for Thursday. It’s someone out there who doesn’t know when relief is going to come to repair their AC or maybe they are on the streets and face difficulties daily.

I don’t have all the answers but I serve the God who does. There isn’t anything I’ve faced that I’ve had to go at alone. He’s been my comforter, my provider, my Healer, my mother, my father, my husband, He’s been my strong tower and He is my Lord.

Thank you Heavenly Father for being my everything. Thank you for your love and grace. Lord God thank you for Your provision over my life. Thank you for allowing me to face adversity but not having to suffer too long. I thank You for Your timing, Your purpose, and Your will for my life. Amen.

2 thoughts on “I’m hot and tired but I won’t quit.

  1. The weapons may form but they will never prosper. Stay encouraged and keep the faith friend. 💕

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