It all started with Faith!

He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

Matthew 17:20-21
Small valves of mustard seeds

A few weeks ago Faith held her first Prayer Walk at Eau Claire Baptist Church. It was phenomenal! I had never attended a prayer walk so I didn’t know what to expect but I was truly blown away at how many folks came out and the powerful prayers that had been prayed that day.

You see SC like other states had just had Hurricane Helene come through that caused damage to several homes, folks lost power for days, folks lost their lives, and so much devastation occurred in which several are left to clean up the pieces or starting over to this day. So to have a prayer walk where we could pray over our community, our families, our neighbors, the sick and shut in, and so many others; it was remarkable. I was truly blessed to be one in attendance.

Dominique and her husband did a phenomenal job with the balloon arch and the banner. Check out Peace of Mind Crafts LLC on Facebook.

To this day I am amazed by the pure blessing it was. I remembered Pastor Steven saying he would have to take a cold shower but he would be in attendance (due to his home being without power). If only Pastor Steven knew how that encouraged Faith and his community because he did not let the storm stop him for what God had waiting for us at Eau Claire Baptist on September 28th at 9am.

Richland County Sheriff’s Office showed up and showed out thanks to the invitation through Wesley and Mahima Porch thru Sheriff Leon Lott.

That wasn’t even half of them.

It has taken me a few weeks to figure out how I could describe the joy I felt inside by seeing so many people come together to pray! With so much light shed on the negative, I had to take the time to shed light on the positive. To shed light on the good things happening in OUR COMMUNITY and in the life of our church.

Great things are happening at Eau Claire Baptist and it’s because of good people like Faith, Mr. Richard and the Moore’s, Robin, Kelly, the Porch’s, Julia, the Derricks, the Porters, the Finchs, the Gossetts, and the list goes on.

I have to take time to thank God for allowing me to come into this Body of Christ where we have folks dedicated to Christ’s mission. We have folks dedicated to teach our babies about Jesus and to share the story of salvation and much more. We have brand new ministries coming together and an abundance of Sunday school classes and Wednesday night meals (only $1 per person) with groups for ALL, and so much to just take the time to say THANK YOU JESUS!

We had our Youth Sunday service on the 6th of this month (rescheduled from September 29th) and the kids just blew me away!

It brings great pleasure to work with these young people and see how Christ is so gracious and caring, and He shows His love through the youngest babies like sweet Ariel.

This particular Sunday, Hunter Moore (grandson of Dr. Richard Moore) spoke about lying. His message was brief but it packed a punch of raw truth. And out of my truth I just have to say how thankful I am to have such an open and welcoming church family.

I was able to hold my first (and prayerfully not the last boutique) for Dolly’s House honoring my moms legacy of giving, Faith is teaching the kids praise dances, Jennifer and Tatayana provide the most amazing craft ideas to teach biblical lessons, Kelly brings her Godly wisdom, Ms Marcella brings her motherly love and I mean the list goes on and on.

Though I’m trying to capture all the good things God is doing, I have to highlight how God is using my horse nose friend, Faith Daniels, to move mountains from here to there, with these young people.

She teaches our kids prayers. She encourages our kids through her kids to memorize Scripture. She teaches our kids what it means to persevere no matter how tired, downtrodden, sick, financially challenged, depressed, anxious, crazy, “bad” as society labels us, or different we are that God can use you. Although she gets on my nerves I love her like a sister. The bond I see she has with folks like Tatayana is a testament to what love in friendship looks like. No matter how many times she says “I quit, I’m done, we need more practice, they aren’t listening, where’s my belt, or where is EJ”, she pours her love for God into these young people and to her ministry of diabetes education, nutritional education, healthy alternatives, and much more.

I was your “baby daddy” for the birth of Joshua (inside joke) but I’m also your sister for life. Although you eat more than me, way smaller than me, taller than me, and more talented than me…I pray you see the 🌹 I present to you today through this message.

I know you get tired of working two jobs, I know it gets hard raising 3 children by yourself, I know your feet ache and your back hurt, I know you still hoping to win the lottery (remember when you win, I’m your friend since 1st grade lol), and I know you get lonely because of all the loved ones like Deanna and Marc who’ve gone on before you BUT I want you to know you are beautiful inside and out and you are a blessing to so many. You walk by FAITH, you live by FAITH, and you are FAITH!

Your waiting will all be worth it in the end girl and you’ll be able to sit back and marvel over the fruits of your labor. Keep on pushing.

I love you horse nose. I can’t afford real flowers right now but here you go! 🌺 🌸 🌹

Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope. 

Romans 5:4

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