Spotlight of the week: Jaylon the Gardener

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness; how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on a stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light so shine before others, that they may see good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven.

Matthew 5:13-16

It’s been a busy last month and a half and with wearing different hats, sometimes one or two can collect dust. My writing hand had Cob webs on it but when my sweet sister of mine sent this picture of Jaylon the Gardener with sweet Abigail’s bright eyes and beautiful smile with other handsome young men looking so intentionally I had to take the time to share. Especially when she shared some of his story with me. This picture is worth one million words!

Jaylon whom I’ve only had the pleasure of meeting once, has been an Angel and a true blessing, not only to our Koinonia of Columbia community but the Eau Claire community and beyond. He has taken his gift of gardening and has shared it with the young Koinonia after school scholars. On yesterday he taught these wonderful young people how to make pumpkin pie! And guess what the best part of this was?! It was all Jaylon’s idea!!!

You see Jaylon is a product of the fine school district of Richland 1, but later attended and graduated from Richland 2’s Spring Valley High School. He attended Logan Elementary under the leadership of Dr. Richard Moore (whom is graciously running for an at-large seat in Richland 1). He is devoted to God first, his wife, his family, his church (leading and active in various areas of the church that benefit ALL children, and has been a devout believer of Richland 1 as a former Richland 1 graduate, Principal of over 30 years, grandparent of Richland 1 scholars, and again is currently seeking a seat at the table (on the Board) to bring about a change in Richland 1. Sorry now back to Jaylon (in the words of Micah, “that’s glaze ma!”)!

Jaylon was a student of the kindest teacher Misty Sawyer (whom taught one of my children) in the Montessori program at Logan, Jaylon learned how to roast pumpkin seeds and will soon be teaching this to the Koinonia After-school scholars.

In the words of Mr. Raekwon, “Jaylon has found his calling.” And like Kelly, I agree!

Gardening is his passion and now he sees that he’s called to inspire the next generation says Kelly Strum, Co-founder of Koinonia of Columbia.

Jaylon “found” gardening after suddenly losing his father in 2017, his senior year at Spring Valley HS. He said that it helped him so his “inner work” and now it’s time to share it!

Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.

Matthew 5:4

By God’s grace, gardening has been a comfort to Jaylon. In return, God reunited Jaylon with his former Principal, Dr. Richard Moore, who in turn blessed ECBC and Koinonia.

As Kelly shared Jaylon’s story I was almost moved to tears because with him being a young black man, his narrative could have been so different after he lost his dad. He could have went down the wrong path, but he didn’t! It’s stories like this, people like Jaylon who need to be in the newspaper articles, on WIS and Fox News verses the stories of our black brothers killing one another. They say not all superheroes wear capes, and it is true! Some superheroes are ordinary black young men with cornrows who use their grief to be a blessing to others. His story has single handed blessed my whole soul and I had to share what God is doing in the life of this young man.

Jaylon played football for Presbyterian College until covid. He had to have shoulder injuries due to injuries he sustained during his football career. Thanks be to God, his surgeries did not stop him from using his hands to bless other people.

In the Bible, God was characterized as a Gardener. In Psalm 104, God was described as a gardener who planted and cared for trees.

It is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his garden, and it grew and became a tree, and the birds of the air made nests in its branches. 

Luke 13:19

Just as out of the ground the Lord God made to spring up every tree that was pleasant to the sight and good for food, God has sprung up a passion in Jaylon that is good and great for all nations.

Out of Jaylon’s heart flows rivers of living water.

Though I’ve only met Jaylon once and I did not get to meet his father before he passed away, I’m sure his father is beaming and smiling so brightly and so proud of the young man who he grew up to be.

A good gardener is:

  • Creative
  • Pays attention to detail
  • Passionate
  • Hardworking
  • Organized
  • Adaptive
  • Etc.

By Jaylon sharing his gifts and talents with these young people, especially our young KINGS, he is teaching them to be creative, passionate, hardworking, organized, adaptive, and able to pay attention to detail. Those are characteristics that jobs are looking for and our community needs.

Oh how I bless God for the seed that was planted through Ms Sawyer’s Montessori class through gardening. I bless God for the full circle of Dr. Richard Moore leading this young man, Jaylon, as his principal and how it blessed ECBC and Koinonia. And the precious gift of non-profit organizations like Koinonia of Columbia that care, nurture, promote positivity, beloved community, and so much to these young people.

If you are looking for an non-profit organization whom is asset based, to donate to that is active in the community, has a FREE after school program, FREE summer program, has a community Garden that is maintained by wonderful people like Richard Meek and now Jaylon, and that flies in formation with God; I earnestly plead with you to donate to this great organization. Schedule a time with Dave or Kelly Strum to stop by Eau Claire Baptist Church (whom graciously provides the space) for Koinonia.

On behalf of InspirationAllAroundMe, I personally want to thank Kelly Strum for sharing Jaylon’s story with me and for superheroes like Jaylon. May God richly bless you and continue to shine His light on you.

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