On this past Sunday my Pastor spoke about Paul’s second missionary journey. With God’s assistance over the next few Sundays, Pastor Steven plans to go in depth about Paul’s three missionary journeys. As he preached there were several questions asked/ or statements made that stood out to me. They had a lasting impression on me and I want to take a little time to share with you this morning. Before I share, I have one question: What does serving God together in 2025 look like to you?
I welcome your comments below in the comments section. Don’t be shy, I don’t bite!
As the man of God mentioned the statement follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, my heart was glad. Coming into this new year Jasmine and I did something different, she invited me to write down my thoughts as I reflected on 2024 and set goals for 2025. She encouraged me to do one for myself and one for my family. And so I did. One of the goals I wrote down was to be more consistent this year in my writing and an action plan was to dig deeper into the Word. Apart of digging deeper was to listen to God’s voice and follow as the Spirit guides. Do you see how God confirmed things for me through the preached Word?!
Here are the notes I jotted down from the preached Word, when you get a moment I challenge you to reflect on each question/statement:
- In 2025, what is the Holy Spirit doing in and through you?
- Are there doors that God closed in 2024 that He would not allow you to walk through?
- Are you in tune with God’s spirit?
- Weekly challenge: Do not resist God’s spirit. Move as He has us to do.
- Do not quench the Holy Spirit.
- Remember God has something GREATER in store for you.
The Invitational Hymn that was played was also one of my all time favorites, it’s called Just As I am. If you haven’t heard it, click this.
The version I included is from Mahalia Jackson, she is a staple in the gospel community, I pray you enjoy it!
Transparent moment: As I was reading over the statements/questions I wrote down I began to hum I Am Available To You, click here to listen! Unspeakable joy came over me as I thought about how the Holy Spirit is moving in and through me. I hear Wesley and Kelly often say what a blessing it is to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and I wholeheartedly agree! When I think about the goodness and mercy and ALL THAT HE HAS DONE FOR ME, I shout GLORY HALLELUJAH!!!! You see sometimes people see me and they think I have it all together but if only they knew the struggles I face on a day to day basis and the financial hurdles I’m trying to still climb over. Your story may not be my story and I know this to be true. But I know one thing, there is nothing I haven’t faced, am facing, or will face that I have done or will do alone. Because I have a Father in Heaven who makes it alright. It’s been times I don’t have it and i don’t know where it’s coming from because what I get on the 1st and the 16th isn’t enough and we are not getting many orders through Spry’s Durty Kitchen but I don’t give up. I say all of this to say, I don’t allow that to stop me from doing what says the Lord. Mommy and daddy said don’t get so caught up on yourself that God can’t use you. Don’t lose sight that we serve a God who knows all about it and He is my help, He is my strength, and He is my strong tower. Y’all if you know what I know you would stand up on your feet and give God some praise. Oh He is worthy OF ALL MY PRAISE!!!! Glory Hallelujah!!!!
Lord I thank you for sheltering me through the storm. Lord I thank you for keeping my head above water when everything around me told me to quit. Lord I thank you for being my Father and my Mother when I couldn’t cry out to Ralph & Willia Davis any more. Lord I thank you for all the times my back has been against the wall but You have proven time after time after time that You are a Faithful God. Lord when I felt worthless, helpless, and in a strange land you restored me and let me know I AM WORTHY, I AM BLESSED, I AM LOVED, and I AM ENOUGH! Lord You help me to find beauty in this chubby body of mine. You see y’all don’t know the battles one may face on a daily basis because folks don’t like to be real but I know my 💩 stink, I know I don’t have it all together, I know I need Jesus, and I know He is everything I’ve hoped Him to EVER BE!
It’s 2025, it’s time for us to stop living in the past worrying about what we can’t do and thank God for what we can do! It’s time to walk through the doors and stop worrying about the closed ones, it’s time to thank God in advance for what He is doing in and through you. It’s time to join me and be the hand and feet for Jesus. It’s time for us to prosper and not fail. It’s time to reap our harvest. It’s time to plant seeds of faith. It’s time to GET UP OFF YOUR BUTTS AND ALLOW THE LORD TO USE YOU IN 2025. Don’t have any money, don’t worry about it I don’t either AND GOD DOESN’T NEED YOUR MONEY, HE WANTS YOU!!!! It’s time to stop resisting. It’s time to unclog those ears and start listening to God’s voice. It’s time to be obedient.
Sometimes my carpel tunnel act up so bad I couldn’t type for a while, but thank God for type to text. There is no reason why you can’t use the gifts of your hands in 2025 to allow the Holy Spirit to work in and through you.
Y’all I done got hot 😆, let me get back to work, but I came to tell you this morning to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Alright y’all, “come on back for the next blog ya hear!”
Amen Amen. Yes 2025 we will reap our good seeds and continue to plant good faithful ones. 2024 taught us lessons of endurance and how not to give up. I pray success over Spry dirty kitchen, I pray success over your different ventures of being a good steward of the Lord. I pray strength for you and the family as tough times come you all are able to lean and pull together as one. 2025 we will see many of our prayers answered I’m excited for it. God will and is still in control and I’m excited for this new journey he is taken us on.
Amen Amen and Amen. Thank you sweet sis for being apart of my praise this morning. Oh how I claim this in the name of Jesus.
Your words are so true, 2024 taught us how to endure and I’m looking forward with great anticipation the lessons we will learn in Christ in 2025.
May God richly bless you and shine His light in and through You. May You walk in the boldness and fullness with the Holy Spirit as your guide. May He pour down His many blessings upon you and your family. May He protect, comfort, heal, and mend in 2025. I love you!