I would hear a church member of mine say, “We are better together.” It reminds me of what Scripture says in Acts 2: 42-47 (see below)
In other words, you see God’s intent for society, for community is for people to lean on one another. There is statical data that proves people need people. Look at covid! Look at what it did to not only our young people but our country. It caused us to take “social distancing” to the extreme where neighbors don’t check on neighbors, family isn’t family like it used to be, people take more than they give, where folks frown upon each other verses build up, where it’s more raping, killing, and robing than peace, love, and happiness.
As a community have we gone too far off of the deep end? Is there hope? As some folks would say, “are we damned to hell as a society?” Please post your thoughts and comments in the comment section below.
If I could answer, my response is NO we have not gone too far off of the deep end, YES there is hope, NO we are not, and we are definitely not going up in flames. You see I don’t care what our country is talking about regarding all the changes that will directly and indirectly affect our people, because NO MATTER WHO OUR PRESIDENT IS, GOD IS STILL ON THE THRONE. MY LORD REIGNS MAJESTICALLY. I don’t know about y’all but I know the promises of God, I know what He has for me is for me, and no matter what I will always believe in the biblical community and what I know it stands for. You better ask somebody!
Growing up I had mommy and daddy. I had Aunt Earline, Aunt Bell, Aunt Bess, Aunt Tal, Uncle George, Sister, Uncle Bre, Uncle Tommy, Uncle Robert, Jr., Aunt Croach. I had Cousin Melissa, Meg, Jason, Jacqueline, Tasha, Sharon, Michael, etc. I had neighbors Michael Priester, Irick, Leah, Ronald, Elizabeth, Janet, Hope, and the list goes on. Yes I had momma and daddy, aunts and uncles, neighbors, but I also had a community of believers. Yep that’s right, I had folks like Ojetta, Alex, Leon, Isaac, Sarah, Anissa, Mrs Rosa, Carla, Fran, Eva, Mariam, Marlene, Genieve, Vernandine, Val, Mrs Rembert, and more that comprised the body of Christ. And before my NST family/community of believers it was folks like Rev. Durant, Roy Lee, Deacon White, Sister Stacey and others at Liberty Hill and folks like Rev. Glover at Reid Chapel that were all apart of my upbringing and my biblical community.
Y’all I can sit here at my work seat and thank God that though Ralph & Willia did not have much money, they were some of the most spiritually rich folks I knew. I thank God that though my brother and I didn’t have the latest Jordans, we grew up knowing and having a relationship with God. We didn’t have the chains and the drip but we served the One who was enslaved, hung, bled and died for you and I.
Do y’all know the type of community I’m talking about? The community that helped build and mold its people?! Did you grow up in a community like that? Do you live in a community like that? Are you the community? I’d love to get your response in the comment section below!
I know somebody who does, but I won’t call any names. This person grew up in a community like I was describing above in Gaston, NC. He attended a church by the name of First Baptist Church that was an example of what the scripture reading of today was talking about, Acts 2:42-47. He talked about how his current place of worship reminded him of home! Stop and think about your childhood memories. Now think about the sounds, the smells, what activities, or people remind you of your home and childhood growing up. Could it be freshly baked cookies, apples, pears, fresh baked bread, peach cobbler? Or maybe the sound of kids running, playing basketball, or maybe the screeching of a rocking chair?? For this person he remembered the church!
He remembers the children’s church ministry and the importance of the church bus. He remembers the prayers of the Saints, he remembers being picked up on every Wednesday and Sunday so he could go into the House of the Lord and worship with beloved community, with his brothers and sisters in Christ.
My friend said, “After visiting several churches we just didn’t feel that togetherness nor family feeling.”
Do ya’ll know how many people feel like that in current times? Do ya’ll realize the amount of folks who still social distancing from church, worshipping together even as family because the flu, covid, RSV, and other stuff going around? I wonder if it’s the same folks who spend all their money at Target, Walmart & McDonald’s? (Shade)
The Bible tells us how Jesus built community. Men were handpicked to pray with, cry with, build with, preach with, teach with, build relationships with. Jesus was with and for the people, but even He had a clique. His clique were what we call the 12 disciples! The Bible tells us that not even Jesus did life alone so why do we think we can?
You got grown folks running around all tight lipped talking about, “I don’t need nobody!” Boy stop! Who you spreading them lies to?! Because the last time I checked when you were hungry, somebody fed you. When you were thirsty, somebody gave your tail something to drink. And if my memory serves me correctly, I remember Progressive down the way doing a fish fry to get your butt out of jail!! Hello somebody, it’s time to stop capping and be real!!!
So let me get back on task, because God laid something on my spirit and I’m taking my 15 minute “smokeless break” to tell any and everybody about the One who can save anybody. I came to tell you what Jesus told me to tell you this morning. We got to stop hoarding and stop taking away from the poor to satisfy and help the rich stay rich, we’ve got to stop hiding the truth and only worrying about self, it’s time to get “back to the basics” and get our spiritual survival kits restocked, replenished, and in good standings. It’s church for the church to start churching, the family to start familying, and for people to be people. Yes that’s right, it’s time to be the community again! And if you saying you been doing, then good! Keep doing and encourage your friends and neighbors to do the same. Alright moving on!
There are unfortunate circumstances that happen that force us out of our comfort zone and it forces us to be beloved community. Things like house fires, child hunger, physical abuse, gun violence, bullying. These situations cause us to come together for one cause. It’s situations like these that helped a friend of mine have a BIG HEART for community and have admiration for first responders. He had folks from the Rescue squad who took him in when his house was engulfed in flames and provided a roof over his head, food, and clothes. Experiencing this as a young teenager could have caused him to be rebellious and even blame God but it did the exact opposite. He gave of his time to volunteer at the squadron, he went on to be a prominent member of society, a Business leader, a community advocate, a voice for those poor and in need, a mover and a shaker for the Lord, and so much more. At the age of 15 he became an inspiration. He showed what it meant to rebuild and give back after loosing almost everything and how community shaped and molded him BUT most importantly he showed how he never lost sight of God, his love for biblical community, and he uses that to fuel his fight for Justice, equality, and teaching our young men and women in Sunday school.
It’s stories like this that built community, restore hope, make you smile, and give you a reason to be apart of the change that God has helping in our community. It starts with folks like this. It starts with folks like Stacey that see the need in the Irmo area to build an inclusive parks for young children and adults who have special needs. It starts with folks like Kelly who saw the need of beloved community and started Koinonia of Columbia with her husband Dave. It takes folks like Jasmine who understand the importance of credit and financial literacy that help folks like me become a homeowner. It starts with men of God like Pastor Steven that preach the Good News and encourage a world whom is hurting. It starts with folks like Faith and Jamika that give of themselves tirelessly to educate, rehabilitate, and provide proper nourishment to our senior citizens and/or young people. Y’all my list goes on and on but I pray you get the point. It starts with folks like YOU that are reading today’s message.
Y’all I want to encourage us to be like the Assistant Manager of Rent-A-Center who saw a need and although he couldn’t replace the house that was lost due a fire, he could provide furniture to put in their new place. Or even my very on Pastor who wears several hats but by the grace of God found it in his heart to become the 32nd Chaplain for our local police department. Working for Law Enforcement myself I know the importance of lifting and building this community of brave women and men up daily. Shout out to all First Responders, I thank you and appreciate your daily sacrifice to support our community and to keep us healthy and safe.
I received a CALL TO ACTION that I believe is fitting and I’ve added some of my own that I would like to share with you:
- In 2025, be intentional to pray for our community, community leaders, churches, and first responders.
- In 2025, show your appreciation to those who serve and give of themselves for our community and nation.
- In 2025, be the community that loves God and all of His children (creation).
- In 2025, no matter how big or small use your voice to help build community and pour good wholesome content into our young people.
- In 2025, help rid our streets of violence, bullying, hate, racism, bigotry, and crime.
- In 2025, stand tall and fight for peace and Justice FOR ALL!
- In 2025, use your God given talent and whatever resources you have within yourself to be the community that builds up and helps mold others.
It’s time to stop making excuses and JUST DO IT! We always going to have aches and pains, we always going to have bills, we always going to have other commitments, we all have a past BUT it’s never too late to put self aside and do good for others. Don’t have money but have a pack of chicken in your freezer? Go bake it and give to your neighbor that’s working a double shift to help make ends meet. Don’t have a car but can read? Go sit with your cousin down the street that is struggling in ELA. Can’t go to work because your back hurt and your bra too tight?! Go down and volunteer and your local nursing home or the school district. Know how to throw down in the kitchen but have more F (for felonies) than a baby have teeth in his mouth?! No worries, depending on your charge I’m sure somebody out here looking for a good cook, private or commercial. All I’m saying is, be bold and courageous and YOU ARE ENOUGH despite your past or shortcomings (NOBODY IS PERFECT) God can and will use you, with or without your permission.
I want to encourage you not to allow what you don’t have, can’t do, fear or depression to stop you from being the force I know you to be. You are beautifully and wonderfully made says the Lord.
I’m so grateful for any and everyone who ever poured into me and I felt like it was time for me to start doing the same.
Somebody is waiting on you to spread love, spread hope, lend a helping hand, give a hug, be their listening ear, sit with them when they are lonely, feed them when they are hungry, give them something to drink, or simply just waiting for you to show up and be present. THE TIME IS NOW! Stop waiting! Stop putting it off! DO IT NOW!
Two are better than one,
Because they have a good return for their labor;
if either of them falls down, one can help the other up.
but pity anyone who falls
and has no one to help them up.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend- Proverbs 27:17
In conclusion, be the person who is there to help others if and when they fall. Be the person who encourages, inspires, and supports. Be the church. Live in unity. Spread peace, love, joy, and hope. Build beloved communities. Be community. Embrace. Build up. Help mold.