It’s Thursday: Time to wake up! 4.23.2020
It’s time for us to unite! Wake up everybody!!!
It’s time for us to unite! Wake up everybody!!!
I’m reminded of a story from the Book of Genesis. Do you remember the story of Abraham and Sarah? If you heard of a woman at the age of 90+ would you believe it? Probably not right?!!! This day and… Read moreIs there anything too hard for the Lord? 4.22.2020
I was on a Zoom call last night with a few of the beautiful ladies from the Women’s support group and it is just amazing how a little bit of technology and a candle representing God’s presence brings such joy… Read moreHave faith in God. 4.21.2020
It’s been a minute that I encouraged us to do a self examine right?!!! Well as I went to sleep last night and planned to wake early this morning to write to you; God had other plans. What I planned… Read moreAre you thinking the same as you act? 4.17.2020
When you can’t find the words to say. Sometimes you just have to moan. Lord be with us and strengthen us all!
Have you ever gotten into a fight? Thinking of three rounds did he or she get the best of you? Did you get knocked down or did you get the K.O.? People may automatically think I am referring to a… Read moreYou might have won this round. 4.15.2020
At 535 am yesterday morning I heard a loud boom, I mean not like a thunder or lightning boom but I mean like a tree had fallen right next to you type of boom. That noise followed by the sky… Read moreThe positives to a widespread power outage. 4.14.2020
Good morning and a Happy Monday to each of you beautiful ladies and gentlemen. How was your Resurrection Day? Did you enjoy it with family over a good meal and good laughs? I pray you did. If you have leftovers… Read moreHis strength is growing inside of me! 4.13.2020
This was one of my dad’s favorite groups- The Williams Brothers. Boy did he love his quartets! I thought this song would be fitting for Good Friday because it talks about Pilate finding no fault in Jesus when the people… Read moreTGIGF (Thank God It’s Good Friday) 4.10.2020
It’s Maundy Thursday! This was the Thursday that many biblical scholars stated the Last Supper took place. On this same day Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and encouraged them to do the same for one another. It was… Read moreHis commandment for us to love one another! 4.9.2020
Where is your hope this morning my sisters and brothers? Where does your faith lie? Do have joy in your hearts as we prepare our minds and souls for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter morning? Please remember Jesus Crucifixion,… Read moreDon’t allow covid-19 to make you feel like this: Cease! Leave me alone. 4.8.2020
My sisters and brothers, how are you feeling this morning? Has God woken you up and started you on your way? Are you glad about it? Today is your lucky day! I want to encourage those reading this to share… Read moreTuesday’s Testimonials! 4.7.2020
In the book of Haggai, Haggai talks about rebuilding the temple. As we celebrated Palm Sunday and I reflected on the 21st chapter of Matthew I began to say the words “Lord save us.” We watch the news daily and… Read moreConsidering Our Ways! 4.6.2020