Preparing Yourself 9.18.19

Good morning everyone! Happy Hump Day to all of you. Today’s motivational blog is entitled Preparing Yourself! This will be talking about the importance of planning, Gods timing, and what we could be doing in the mean and between time. I’ll give an example of how my husband and I watched and waited as we tried to obtain joint custody and how Gods timing played a major role in it all. I’ll tell you about the ups and down and disappointments we faced and how ultimately we had to give it to God.

Maybe you are preparing for an exam, grooming yourself for marriage, or simply waiting for the S.C. State Fair to roll around. Are you preparing yourself and planning for the grand day? Or are you just going to wing it and miss the mark? Come back later to read the full story.

In the mean and in between time feel free to catch up on previous posts. I write daily (Monday through Friday) so you have some catching up to do if this is your first time joining me. So sit back, buckle up, and enjoy this journey in Christ with me!

Please don’t forget to leave a comment in the comments section!

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