Serving for God’s Glory 10.16.2019

How many of you woke up this morning with a praise in your heart? How many of you woke up this morning excited about having another day to rejoice and tell people all about what God is doing in your lives? I don’t know about you, but I’m glad this morning! God is so good to me! He woke me up in my right mind. He woke my kids up, my husband up in good health. God is so good and I just want to give Him all the honor and the glory! Take a moment to click on the Daily Devotional tab and see how I used my personal pains to still give God the glory. So often we sell ourselves short because we are so wrapped up in our current situation. God wants us to cast all of our fears on Him and in spite of whatever is rocking our world, He wants us to be Glad in Him! So many times when I was younger I would shut down and escape into my own ball of pain but it was when I grew into a woman that I finally heard the endless cries of my mother. She said “Whitnee’ if you still do for other people and don’t worry about what’s going on in your own home, God will bless you.” I always thought she was just trying to tell me that so I could do what she needed me to do for the church, but I thank God for my mother’s cry. It helped me to give my tears of a mother to use to God’s glory. As you read, you will see my tears written down regarding some emotions my husband and I face with regards to our blended family. Regardless of what we go through, GOD WILL ALWAYS BE THE CENTER OF OUR JOY! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

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