Pray Through The Pain 10.22.19

This morning I woke up with a Charlie horse and didn’t realize how much pain it could cause in the split of a second. One minute I was fine, the next minute I was clinching my teeth praying for relief.

Well God heard my prayer. Prayer changed things and now I am floating on the joys of His grace. Read the full story under Daily Devotional.

2 thoughts on “Pray Through The Pain 10.22.19

  1. William asked me to pray for you the other Wednesday and we did! Your little guys are awesome. Be sure to ask them about the Bible verse we’ve been working on. Joshua 1:9. Be blessed and these blogs are great!

    1. Thank you Pastor Steven! I love my boys to pieces and I’m glad he thought enough of me to ask you to pray for me. Yes I will remember to keep Joshua 1:9 fresh on their minds.

      Thank you for taking the time to pray for me with my son, that means a lot to me. You are a great role model and I’m excited you are working with the RA’s.

      God Bless you and ECBC and continue to be a faithful servant for the Lord.

      God Bless!

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