Jammin’ to The Itsy Bitsey Spider for Throwback Thursdays 10.24.19

Do you remember the lyrics to the nursery rhyme The Itsy Bitsey Spider? I do. I used to love when my mom and dad would read us fables and nursery rhymes at Bedtime.

I need to pull out those old songs and mix it up sometimes with my little ones. Although they learn some in school, we started it at home.

On 10/24 I will talk about failure. Just to give you a sneak peak, the scripture reading is from the book of Psalm, chapter 32. I will also share one of my failures as an early mother and how God used that pain of failing to light one of many paths I use today as a platform to spread the Good News.

If the spirit leads you today or any day, please feel free to leave a comment. You can see the full story under Daily Devotional but whatever day or days bless you, leave a comment below on that particular day. It’s easier to post on the home screen and it shows new viewers what you think!

4 thoughts on “Jammin’ to The Itsy Bitsey Spider for Throwback Thursdays 10.24.19

  1. Amen, I did not think about that nurse rhyme as that. But as I keep singing it I understand now. You have to always get up and keep trying. Always keep going. I sometimes I feel I fail my daughter however I pull myself out of that feeling, pray about it and remember I am not perfect. It was a lesson learned and I try not to repeat certain actions.

    1. That’s all you can do. Like Aaliyah said, “If at first you don’t succeed, dust yourself off and try again.” Parenting does not come with a handbook but like you said if something does not turn out right and you correct those actions then you are doing the best you can do.

      Sometimes as mothers I think we are harder on ourselves than we realize. Keep God in the center of your focus point and you will do just fine my friend. Just fine!

  2. This reminds me about a paper a student wrote on failure. He wrote that failure turns into excellence if you keep going. He says that every failure teaches about how to make yourself stronger and better each time you fail. Don’t look at it as the end. Look at it as a new opportunity to do something better and different and don’t stop u til you achieve your goal and succeed. Great Message.

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