Was I seeking a bigger faith or an authentic faith? 10.31.19

Tomorrow is Throwback Thursday! What I have decided to do is compare one of my “motivational collages” from 2017 to help answer the question: Was I seeking a bigger faith or an authentic faith. I was reading Luke 18 and it talked about the parable of the persistent widow. It really had me thinking this morning.

So with God’s assistance, I purpose to break down some thought processes and provide a testimony of how seeking God for knowledge will help shed light on some of life’s challenges. Back in 2017, I realized I was going at things all wrong. I realized that God wasn’t ignoring my prayers but it took me trusting Him and developing genuine faith for the mountain to start moving. And although things aren’t what we wanted it to be or the outcome wasn’t how I dreamt it to be, my family now understands and continues to thank God at this time.

So often we sit and we grow impatient with the Lord but when you truly understand God’s will and His purpose, you don’t look at the clock, you don’t worry about tomorrow or next week, because you simply are thankful and content with Him today! Come check out my daily devotional section tomorrow and see what God places on my heart.

As always feel free to drop a comment below. God Bless!

3 thoughts on “Was I seeking a bigger faith or an authentic faith? 10.31.19

  1. I know sometimes it seems hard but we must wait on the Lord. God has our best interest at heart. Amen.

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