What Is Your Definition of a Grateful Heart? 11.19.19

George Herbert once said, “Thou who has given so much to me, give one thing more-a grateful heart.”
What does it mean to have a grateful heart?

Join in tomorrow for the conversation about having a grateful heart!

2 thoughts on “What Is Your Definition of a Grateful Heart? 11.19.19

  1. Oh what a grateful heart that I have. I am always observing things, how things could of turned out…But God! Even when things seems like there are the hardest things and they don’t turn out your way? What you going to do about it? I mean it’s ok to get upset, that’s life we are human but don’t stay there. Be Grateful and praise God because guess whose in control? Guess who knows how things are going to turn out before they do? Guess who holds your best interest at heart? Our Heavenly Father. So therefore we must be Grateful for our Father Who Art in Heaven Hallowed Be Thy Name…….He has the Master Plan for you and for me….from Now and until the End of time. Amen Somebody! I can’t go on your Devotional but I share my Praise Rat Here Rat Na! Amen and Halleujah to the Most High. Yes to your will Lord God. Amen.

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