Joy, Joy, God’s Great Joy! 12.18.19

The Georgia Mass Choir sings this song entitled “Joy.” Now on Sunday mornings growing up Eva and Leon would sing this song so good! And then Miriam would hit those high notes and it would make the hair on your arms stand up.

I get so happy when I think about that song. I guess I am in a singing mood this morning. So if you don’t mind sing with me this morning.

Joy, joy, God’s great joy
Joy, joy, down in my soul
Sweet, beautiful, soul saving joy
Oh, joy, joy in my soul

Joy, joy, God’s great joy
Joy, joy, down in my soul
Oh, sweet, beautiful, soul saving joy
Oh, joy, joy in my soul

Then another one of my favorites that I used to love Leon singing was Richard Smallwood’s “The Center of My Joy.” I mean it brings tears to my eyes just remembering who he sang that song.

Speaking of The Center of My Joy. A friend had a dynamic sermon this past Sunday. One of the young ladies from his congregation recorded it and put it on Facebook Live. He sent me the clip and while I sat working at my desk, I decided to take a “praise break.” You know I don’t smoke so i figured since I am entitled to a break, i would click on the link that my friend sent me. Oh how it brought sweet joy to my soul. Click here for the full story.

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