Oh Momma! 2.5.2020

I was texting Kelly on Monday night, telling her about my day as we always check in on each other. As I began to share with her, I couldn’t stop the tears from coming down my eyes. No matter how much I tried, they would not stop falling from eyes.

We both said we would be strong because we know God’s got it. I know in my heart God’s got it but I still had to cry. Finally I listened to “I found the answer” by Mahalia Jackson.

Click here for full details of todays message. If you are having trouble posting a comment, please send me a text and I will check on the back end. I found the other night I had to refresh my screen and then it worked smoothly.

God Bless!

2 thoughts on “Oh Momma! 2.5.2020

  1. My reaction would of probably been the same. News like that is hard to swallow sometimes, But we know that Mrs. Davis was built Ford Tough…and she endured a lot of things even though she wont admit it, she always had a smile on her face and was always so giving.

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