Simple Living! 3.11.2020

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.


A few weeks back I joyfully accepted a task of preparing a meal for our Tuesday meetings at the Seminary. After I accepted, I found out it had to be gluten free and vegan friendly. For someone who eats meat with almost every single meal I thought it would be a hard challenge.

Well on yesterday by the grace of God I prepared a kale and chickpea soup. Everyone said they enjoyed it and by the amount that was left over I can tell it must have been quite tasty. It was made with 5 simple, natural ingredients and it was a dish made out of love.

Our time together (Eating Faithfully Together) was my favorite fellowship of all. Not only did we fellowship over a meal together but we reminisced on the good ole days and we talked about “uncomplicated eating.” It was simply amazing.

It helped me realize like Confucius said that we as humans complicate things and get Gods natural order of things out of wack.

Join me under Daily Devotional to continue reading about simple living. If the Lord so moves, please leave thoughts or comments below. God bless!

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