We all have hidden talents, have you discovered yours? 7.8.2020

God and his kindness gave each of us different gifts. If your gift is speaking God’s word, make sure what you say agrees with the Christian faith. If your gift is serving, then devote yourself to serving. If it is teaching, devote yourself to teaching. If it is encouraging others, devote yourself to giving encouragement. If it is sharing, be generous. If it is leadership, lead enthusiastically. If it is helping people in need, help them cheerfully. 
Love sincerely. Hate evil. Hold on to what is good. Be devoted to each other like a loving family. Excel in showing respect for each other. Don’t be lazy in showing your devotion. Use your energy to serve the Lord. Love sincerely. Be happy in your confidence, be patient in trouble, and pray continually. Share what you have with God’s people who are in need. Be hospitable.
Bless those who persecute you. Bless them, and don’t curse them. Be happy with those who are happy. Be sad with those who are sad. Live in harmony with each other. Don’t be arrogant, but be friendly to humble people. Don’t think That you are smarter than you really are.
Don’t pay people back with evil for the evil they do to you. Focus your thoughts on those things that are considered Noble. As much as it is possible, live in peace with everyone. Don’t take revenge, dear friends. Instead, let God’s anger take care of it. After all, Scripture says,” I alone have the right to take revenge. I will pay back,” says the Lord.”
But if your enemy is hungry, feed them. If he is thirsty, give him a drink. If you do this, you will make Him feel guilty and ashamed. Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil with good.
Romans 12:6-21 (God’s Word Translation)

When babies are young, parents begin wondering what their kids strengths and weaknesses, talents, and gifts are. Many dads think their boys will be the next NBA All-Star, NFL player of the year, run a Triathlon, etc. Most mothers think their little girls are natural born stars, little princesses, or next Audrey Hepburn or Michelle Obama.

Not too often do they realize, their babies were uniquely and wonderfully made by God and they possess their own God given gifts and talents. Take time to read the scriptures above and pray/meditate on them if you need a reminder this morning. No worries, this message will be online and not going anywhere so read it over a few times. Feel free to look up the translation of your choosing, as I normally use NIV and NKJV, but this version was plain and simply written.

A talent is defined as something that you are instinctually born with that gives you unique skills and abilities. Talent is set apart from knowledge in that it is not a learned behavior, although it can be strengthened and practiced.

So when we try to seek out talents and gifts in our kids we must pray over our children and help to bring out those God given talents. Like I stated earlier, we are all wonderfully and uniquely made- that means God created us to be set apart from one another. By learning our God given talents is one thing but by using them to glorify God is a whole other beast!

Today’s message is about highlighting and tapping into those God given talents. So in the subject line I asked the question: have you discovered your hidden talents? Some folks are so bubbly and full of compassion that encouragement comes naturally. Some folks have a way of breaking down a fraction and explaining their steps, it doesn’t take a genius to see they have excellent teaching abilities. But what about those still searching and seeking? What about those who just tapped into to those gifts and talents? With this new found experience, what do you do with it?

You live life and live it abundantly! You use them to glorify God! You use it to find your unique calling.

In the Book of Ephesians chapter 2, verse 10 it reads: For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God has prepared in advance for us to do.

God is at work in and through you. Though you may not share the same gift or talent that your neighbor has, you have been blessed with your own story to tell someone. I’m not a very good speaker, I babble and am very long winded- this I know. Because I can’t speak very well, I write. Now I know my writings are long- but it is MY UNIQUE WRITING that allows me to share what God has placed on my heart. What could take you two sentences may take me ten- but God still gets the glory!

Did you know everything we have and everything we are is a gift from God? Our food, our clothes, our cars, our children, our homes, our jobs, our husbands, our joys, our peace- they are all a gift from God.

We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.

Romans 12:5

I may not be the best writer, I may not be a nurse or a doctor, I may not be a world Renown chef, but I am a beloved Child of God and so are YOU!

This message is inspired by the real Nurse Whitney! She came to my house on Monday to check on my mom and will be her primary nurse while under home care. I told her I was happy to see and meet her and it was so funny that her name was Whitney. She thought how my name is spelled (Whitnee’) was unique and told me I was doing an amazing job! She gave me words of encouragement and told me to keep up the good work.

I was relieved when she said her blood pressure, oxygen level, pulse, swelling, incision and wound sites all looked good. I told her by no means am I knowledgeable but learned enough while in the hospital to know how to manage and what signs to look for if medical attention is needed. I guess I am my own worse critic because each person I have spoken with in the medical field told me I did a good job and am a natural nurse. While I disagree, I will say loving people and doing for others comes naturally. I got it from mommy and daddy! That’s one of my best God given talents!

So as I try and put my gift of encouraging others to use I want you to turn with me to 1 Peter 4:10-11.

Each of you as a good manager must use the gift that God has given you to serve others. Whoever speaks must speak God’s word. Whoever serves must serve with the strength God supplies so that in every way God receives glory through Jesus Christ. Glory and power belong to Jesus Christ forever and ever. Amen.

1 Peter 4:10-11 (GWT)

This morning I am so thankful that in spite of restless nights, the moments of exhaustion, frustrating occurrences, or whatever I face personally while on this journey of being a care giver I have to thank God for being my Great Comforter and Provider. He supplies all of my needs and I can’t ask for anything because He is all I need to survive.

It is my prayer God will continue to use me and give me the strength and endurance to do all that is in front of me. It is my prayer that I stay focused and centered on Christ. It is my prayer that God will remain at the forefront of my life, the center of my marriage, and the reason I smile. He woke me up to praise His Holy name so I thank you God.

Not every gift is for profit- I paid to create this website to show people who God is to me and to spread His word. Some things don’t always get repaid in monetary form but if God gets the praise out of what I place from my heart it is worth every dime I have- I have it because He gave it to me!

Use your God given talents to help your sisters and brothers in Christ. They need US right now. I thank God for the talents he has given each of you reading this message today- you inspire me in ways I will live to tell the world. Continue to allow God to use YOU to build His kingdom and help build up one another in love and in good faith.

Feeling inspired? Care to share what your gifts and talents are and how you are using it for God’s kingdom? Please leave a comment below.

2 thoughts on “We all have hidden talents, have you discovered yours? 7.8.2020

  1. I feel that I am the encourager! I have always had it on the inside of me waiting to jump out…Whitnee, you have helped me realize that this is part of my gift to encourage.

    1. To God be the glory! Yes I agree with you and I thank you for being a constant source of encouragement for me.

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