Calling all conduits for Christ

🎶 Go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere! Go tell it on the mountain…. 🎶

🎶 We have come this far by faith, leaning on the Lord. Hoping and trusting in His Holy Word; He’s never failed me yet 🎶

As I sat in my room yesterday evening contemplating if I were going to go walking I was intrigued by the conversation taken place in my moms bible study. A part of their conversation they spoke on Trump. They went around and spoke their opinions but one voice stuck out to me.

She said something along the lines of God can use anyone to do His will. If God used a donkey than He can use Trump. God’s plan will be done and though we can’t see it God knows.

As the conversation continued it really made me take a self examination to see if I am sharing God’s word not only through these motivational messages but in the way I give, the way I act, the way I live, and the way I love.

The Bible says so then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

God bless 🙌🏽

Today I think this is the shortest message I have sent yet. The message today is to share God’s word of love, grace and mercy, and salvation with your neighbors. God is calling us to carry out His work- it is a privilege to do so. Will you join me? There are so many in need of God’s word and it starts here, right now with you!

4 thoughts on “Calling all conduits for Christ

  1. We some times forget that God is not complicated. There is no big mystery to His love for us. To show Gods love thru us can be a simple hello to someone on the street; or a call to a love one in these trying times in our country and world. God Bless you for having such great insight. We should all keep the faith.
    Much love

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