Blessed and highly favored.

The preacher man used to tell me all the time “I’m too blessed to be stressed.” In my ignorant mind I often thought “you don’t know my story, you don’t know my struggle, you don’t know my sorrows.” But oh how I’ve grown! No he may not have known my story, my struggle, no my sorrows BUT He knew my God and the power of His grace and mercy.

Years ago when I was young in my spiritual upbringing I would think those persons who are blessed have all the money, the fast cars, the women, the fancy clothes, etc. If only I knew at the time that some of those people were knocking on Hell’s door. Whoa the uselessness of a waisted mine. I was too stupid to read the Bible for myself and too busy to really meditate on it and feed and digest it for spiritual knowledge when I did. It wasn’t until I found myself in a tight spot that I learned to study God’s word.

Even after that it still took me a while to trust with my heart verses what my eyes could see. Oh how I praise the Lord for spiritual growth and His wisdom!

When I think of the goodness of the Lord it makes me want to stand up, jump, and scream praises to the Lord. I don’t care if my knee going to pop out of place, I want to jump and shout and sing praises to God. You see I remember just how far God brought me. And I remember the long, dark road I traveled once before. Oh how I remember when at times I didn’t know where I would lie my head, what food I would eat, where would I wash, where could I store my personal belongings, where I could get my baby out of the cold car; if only for one night.

Sometimes you just have to stop and remember where you have come from and where God has brought you from. But you can’t stop there you have to thank Him in advance for where you are going!

My sisters and brothers I need you to thank God right now for your mountain experiences as well as the valley low ones. I’m sure we have all had our “fair share” of valley experiences but it isn’t a blessing God was there every step of the way.

Yesterday morning I woke up with joy in my heart because I knew my family and I would be able to go on a housing search; I was so excited! We were so excited! That morning we had gotten things in place despite the unknowns and we prepared ourselves for greatness. In the midst of all the chaos, we pushed forward.

Friend let me tell you I could sit here and complain about all the things going wrong right now but I don’t have the time and patience PLUS my list of praises is longer than my woes. I’ve given my woes to God because He cares for me. And truth be told- He is the only one who can fix it. You see when you have lived as long as I’ve lived, you grow to know what a friend we have in Jesus. The songwriter says what a privilege it is to carry; everything to God in prayer.

This morning I’m glad because somebody prayed for me, they had me on their mind, they took the time to pray for me…I’m so glad they prayed, I’m so glad they prayed for me.

Right when I was praising God for the mountain He is moving in my life- my toilet start backing up. Once the toilet start backing up, my washer machine decided it wanted to clunk out on me, my hot water heater is busted, on top of that a tree fell in my yard and the lines are done BUT through it all God kept my family and I safe; He allowed us to have clean clothes and take a lukewarm shower; He allowed us to have a roof over our head; and He prepared a place for my family and I to call home.

That’s right folks, we found our dream home yesterday. Not one we had to compromise for, settle for, or can’t afford. But one that crosses off everything our little hearts desire plus an added bonus for the kids.

God placed it on my heart to encourage you this morning. He wanted us all to know that if we wait patiently on the Lord and if we ask for something in prayer, by faith we shall receive.

This reminds me of the story of Mary in the first chapter of Luke. The Bible teaches us that the Lord found favor in Mary. God chose Mary to bear the Savior of this world.

Although the Lord found favor in Mary, Mary had to go through some things. I mean she was shamed for carrying a son while being an unwed woman. Think of the shame and ridicule she must have experienced. But she was faithful! It is noted that Mary was a woman of faith.

How many of us can say we trust God in spite of difficulties? How many of can say we truly trust God in the dark? If He is the light; then why you don’t trust Him? No mountain is high is enough, no valley is low enough, no problem is too big or too small for my God. I’m a living witness that God is good. I came to testify to all my sisters and brothers that God will do what He said He will do. He is a God of His word- He cannot lie.

So as I thought about the hot mess I had to deal with my house I gave God the house- it was His in the first place; He is just allowing me to be an occupant for the time being. But you know yesterday God said “get up.” My time is up here and my family and I are pressing forward towards the goal of first time homeownership. No more slumlords, no more high rent, no more cold showers, no more extreme moisture, no more hot days and cold nights, NO MORE, NO MORE, NO MORE! Why??????!!! Because I’m blessed and highly favored!

In Jewish society unmarried women were scorned and criticized. No matter the shame, Mary steadfast in her faith. She didn’t allow the naysayers to stop her from fulfilling God’s will.

This morning I encourage each of us to be like Mary and be faithful and willing servants for the Lord. Mary’s story has been an inspiration to many for years and it is my prayer that it inspires you today. No matter what she went through she trusted God. I pray we will do the same. The Bible tells us that God’s anger won’t last but for a moment, but His favor lasts for a lifetime.

I thank God and I praise His Holy name for the many Gabriel’s in my life who have encouraged me to not give up and to keep pushing towards my goal. I thank God for the Gabriel’s that helped me to dream big and helped to grow my faith and my trust in Christ. The way they walk, the way they talk, and the way they live has been an inspiration to me. I just think of where I would of, could of, or should have been if I didn’t have those persons in my life to allow God to speak through them. I’m sorry I can be such a knuckle head at times.

In conclusion, the next time next time someone sees you shouting and praising and acting a “donkey” giving God the glory- you tell em Whitnee’ said, “Its because I’m Blessed and Highly favored.” No I may not know your story, your struggle, and your woes- and truth be told you don’t know the half of mine BUT I’m glad this morning we know the one who cares for us all and who has plans to prosper us and not to harm us. Be blessed with your fine self! Be blessed and highly favored. P.s. go on YouTube and listen to Blessed and Highly Favored by The Clark Sisters-it will blow your mind!

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