God sent me a helper- Mr. Randy to the rescue!

It was a very emotional day. My body ached, head hurt, chest was tight, I was slightly overwhelmed, and I was tired but I knew the task at hand had to be completed whether I was tired, achy, head hurting, etc. There are times in life when you just have to put on your “big girl panties” and suck it up; yesterday was on of those days.

I had woken up early to make sure I could be up and at ‘em early but even starting early, we still finished late. Jasmine was able to get her dads truck and met us over at the house to move some more things. We were on the second load when a man whom I’ve never seen same creeping up on the side of the house rather slow. The normal Whitnee’ would have ran for the hills trying to find Rico but for some reason I was not worried at all.

The man whom later identified himself as Randy asked if we were moving. I replied “yes.” He asked if I had any refrigerators or stoves to get rid off. I replied “no sir” but told him that I had two washer and dryers he could have. His big eyes lit up and he asked when could he get them. I told him he could pull in the driveway and without a lick of hesitation, Mr. Randy did just that.

Once in the driveway I asked him to meet Rico around back. He told me he scrapes and could take things to the salvage yard. At this point I don’t care what he did with it- I just knew I had to get the items out. You see I had been dealing with this mold situation since October 29th and I was ready to close this chapter and tackle the next objective- which is requiring much prayer, patience, work, and discernment.

I explained to Mr. Randy we had vacated the house a few months back due to mold. I wanted him to know that some of the items he sought to take had mold damage just in case he had an allergy or other health conditions that prohibit him from removing the items. As much as it hurt me to see money just “thrown down the drain,” my family’s health and my health are more important than the pile of trash that had increased sizably over the last few days.

Mr. Randy was off to the scrap yard with his first load and said he would be back. I didn’t know this man from Adams house car so I was unsure if he would return.

It was time for us to take our third and final load of the morning to drop off. Jasmine has been such a tremendous help. I have been in total paranoia about getting another uhual after getting stuck in the mud last week so giving her time to not only drive but help with physical labor-it meant more then she could ever know. I kept saying thank you but thank you just didn’t seem to be doing enough.

We had stopped by Sonics to get something to eat and sat in the car. As I sat looking in the backyard tears began to flow down my cold cheek. I became so distraught and couldn’t hold it together. I was embarrassed that I was carrying on so but took the time to get things off of my chest. I was still in shock that some folks could be so cruel BUT I digress.

Shortly after Mr. Randy came back. I must admit i was quite surprised. He had mentioned to Rico and Jasmine that he was a man of his word and by him coming back- I figured that to be true. I had asked him if he was able to take a load of things to my moms house that we had not had time to do in Jasmine’s car. He kindly agreed and offered to assist in whatever we needed.

Come to think of it- I never introduced myself to him. I know his name but he does not know mine. He just called me Mrs and ma’am the whole time. He took another load, helped us with a friend things, and he was off. He gave Rico his number and offered to come help us because he knew it was a lot for us to do. He was a very kind gentleman that I’m glad God brought our way.

God saw us struggling trying to beat the clock and he sent Mr. Randy to help. What a merciful God!

While watching Friends at 5 on WLTX, Darci Strickland had asked viewers to make comments online about things they were thankful for. We have heard so many people highlight all the bad of 2020 so it was refreshing to hear the positives of this year.

First off, if you are alive to be able to witness all that has transpired in this year then you should be thankful. So many of our loved ones didn’t wake up this morning so we have a reason to shout Glory Hallelujah right now!!!

While I won’t lie and say 2020 hasn’t had its challenges, I have to also add that every day has its own challenges BUT with God, faith, and the strength He gives us we can face another day with excitement and vigor.

Today’s message is meant to encourage the ones who have been “having it rougher than usual.” You are in a valley low right now and feel like you are going further and further down and may be wondering how you are going to “dig yourself out of this hole.” You may be wondering when will this end or you may be ready to be through with 2020 and all it’s shenanigans all together!

Let me take a brief moment to encourage you:

It is expected that we will all go through some things in this world but be comforted knowing yo won’t have to go through anything alone- God is always there! God allows these difficult moments to happen for a reason. We may not agree, we may not understand, we simply may not like it BUT we must trust God and His plan for our lives. If someone would have told me I would have lost 95% of my belongings to mold this year I would have they were tripping. But I admit, it took the mold situation for me to really get grounded to look towards my future of homeownership. It took dealing with the mold to finally buy myself a few new things that I’ve always wanted verses thrifting or dumpster diving to get quality pieces.

No matter how long you have been in the situation TRUST GOD! No matter how bad it seems TRUST GOD! No matter how impossible things seem God can do the impossible. No matter how dark the road is or gets God is the light unto your path. Trust God and His plan. Be patient, pray without ceasing, and continue to praise God for His faithfulness and for being a God of order and love.

Hold on my sisters and brothers THIS TOO SHALL PASS! God is about to bless this mess of a year some of us have had. Get your house in order- do it today. Goodbye 2020 and we welcome Christ into our hearts, homes, jobs, cars, etc. for 2021. HE REIGNS!!!

3 thoughts on “God sent me a helper- Mr. Randy to the rescue!

  1. So…I have a similar situation today. I was having a good day. I was assisting with getting the weights for the new year. I came back to my office and stopped by the Nurses station to put a weight sheet out for tomorrow. Then I squeezed in by CNA and said Hey and looked at the Nurse Supervisor who was speaking. She stopped speaking and stated Faith, don’t do that. We are having a meeting. I immediately stated I came to listen I wasn’t talking and that I did speak to a CNA, and just put a weight sheet out, I apologize if by me speaking if that interrupted you. I definitely was not trying to be rude. The Nurse Manager continued on with the Promise of Today and asked everyone the question, so what resident do you remember this year or past years that are no longer with us. Being that my Dad was being reviewed as being a candidate for admission here, I walked off and as I passed the Supervisor, She stopped me and said, Faith, who do you remember this year that has passed away and what do you remember about them? I choked…I held my breathe, my mind went completely blank, all I could see was images of my father. I choked and stated my mind went blank, sorry, and walked away, I choked…I cried and I cried. I mean a million thoughts were racing through my mind as to why would the Supervising Nurse ask me a question like that knowing that my Dad had just passed away. Tears are falling now still and that encounter was this morning. Considering the situation I figured in her mind, I interrupted the meeting with her Nursing Staff so in retaliation, she hit a low blow and was waiting for a reaction out of me. Let me tell you something thank God I am on the Good Lord’s side. Thank God that I had the strength to show her that I was not bothered; I even smiled and walked away even though I was pulling a knife out of my heart. Oh thank God that I dwelled on 2 Corinthians 12:9-11 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. Where we are weak, Our Father is strong. Thank you God. There is a part of me hoping that she only meant what she said for good. I do try and be a optimistic person. But this wound is still fresh and yes we do have some spiteful people around here. But GOD!!!! I received a phone call from a Chaplin who lifted my spirits. The Lord knew I needed this. I needed to cry so that I can heal. Oh Hallelujah. I was tempted to react, but thank God for his wisdom in his WORD. I will continue to let the Lord fight my battles and continue to be equipped with the whole armor of GOD. Oh. Lord. Thank you!!! Thank you!!! I am thankful for this encouraging page. I am thankful for the love and support that I continue to have and pour out onto others to lift each other up. And thank you Whitnee for this message. Yes. THIS Pain, Hurt, Sorrow, TOO SHALL PASS. # TEAM JESUS

    1. Wow, so sorry that you had to experience that this morning(especially at work of all places) no matter what her intentions were.

      I notice that as humans we often don’t think before we speak but thank God you thought before you reacted. It’s not tax time yet so I would have had to sell some fish dinners to get you out. How does this sound #FREEFAITH2020. I’m just kidding but seriously though I’m happy you didn’t allow her to get a rise out of you. I know that hurt. My God it hurt me.

      Glad your angel came in the form of a Chaplin. As you said THIS TOO SHALL PASS, thank you Lord!

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