4 thoughts on “Hello Queens!

  1. My favorite quotes: always celebrate the little wins as much as the big ones, it’s always important to rest, you are needed and you are appreciated, just remember baby girl RESPECT is the minimum, You have dreams and purposes to fulfill ;you are 100% that QUEEN There is a sweet justice in knowing that the path you are on was designed for you and you alone; every thing about you is majestic! I believe every Mother should repeat this to themselves and their daughters everyday. If you could send me the clip, I will start saying this to Madison everyday. This is such a confidence and self Esteem Builder! It’s so encouraging.

    1. And I thank you for sharing your favorite quotes. Many of those I loved as well.

      I don’t have the clip anymore due to lack of storage but let’s see what we can do to write this down so you can put on her window, on her mirror, and the refrigerator.

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