An answer to prayer: God’s uncanny strength

I had been waiting all week in silence and in prayer waiting on the test results from some scans my mom had done the week prior. I knew whatever would come of it would change the direction I was heading in.

Rico and I had planned to try to go on a date but all of that came to a halt once I received the call from the doctor. He was so kind, gentle, and concerned. His bigger fear was the burden he may have placed on my family and I by delivering the news. I reassured him that we will get through this and we have faith. Our phone call ended on a positive note.

Then “the weight of the world” came upon me. Although I took the news “like a champ.” But now reality had kicked in. It was my job to break the news to my mom, family, and friends. Out of everyone I knew the hardest part was telling my mom.

So I did when I do best. I cried and prayed and then prayed and cried. Rico wiped my tears as I pulled outside to let him know and he said the sweetest words. He said, “you are not alone, we will get through this together.” Together was what I wanted to hear. I knew God would never leave me or have me feeling like I have to face this next step alone- but I must admit, having that conformation made the initial weight so much lighter.

I went in the car and made it my praying room. Over the years I have realized that your “prayer closet” is what you make of it!

I made a couple of calls and the first two were kind of rough. Hearing myself repeat the diagnoses was a little rough at the time but I know God does not give us the spirit of fear. And I know if God brought us to it then He can surely bring us through it. I had to claim that peace that only He could give. So when I placed the first two calls I had asked for the prayer of strength. The strength to deliver the news to my mom the same way she had told me back in February 2020 that she had been diagnosed with throat cancer.

All I can say is THERE IS POWER IN PRAYER!!!

Initially I hadn’t the “right words” to pray but when I did pray and prayed with others I had no doubt I had no fear because I know again THERE IS POWER IN PRAYER. Look at Matthew 6:7.

God is not looking for the biggest words, the best rap, or the most exquisite talk- He is looking for the humble heart. He is looking for the sincere words where can have that heart to heart.

Growing up I told my daddy I didn’t know how to pray. I’ll never forget what he said. He said, “Whitnee’ the same way you are talking to me, you can talk to God.” “Speak from your heart,” daddy said. So that’s what I did. Although I had heard pastors, deacons, and other folks in church pray powerful prayers that sound so elegant I knew I didn’t have those words but I did know how to speak from my heart.

Over the next 2-3 hours as I sat in that prayer room and shared the news and asked for prayer it is truly amazing looking back at this thing how God answered.

It still amazes me. So uncanny! Like only God can do. And this peace!!!


Although some told me I didn’t have to worry about telling my mom if I wasn’t ready- God gave me peace. I felt his uncanny strength!

Y’all when I tell you all I had to do was open my mouth and God did the talking?!! I mean I know it wasn’t Whitnee’ because I am weak BUT HE IS STRONG!!!! I cast the fears on Him and He showed me how much He cares. The same peace and same calmness my mom graced me with back in February 2020- with the strength given to me by the Lord- I was able to speak out of love and tell her what was told to me.

The same way cancer wasn’t a death sentence in 1999; it wasn’t a death sentence in February 2020; I CLAIM IN THE PRECIOUS NAME OF JESUS it won’t be a death sentence in 2021.

My mom said she is a fighter and she is not giving up. You go girl!!!! That’s what I like to hear.

When I prayed I didn’t just pray for me but I asked God for my mom to have the strength to endure.

Not many people can face cancer 3 times and still have a praise on the inside that blesses us all on the outside.

We casted all fear and all doubt that enemy tried to pin on in the sea. Devil you can’t have this woman SHE BELONGS TO THE LORD.

If you don’t get anything else from today’s message remember the lesson of the withered fig tree. Matthew 21:20-22

🎤 He brought us through this, He brought us through that, Lord I’m so grateful to You.”

🎤 He made a way. When our back was against the wall and it felt like things were over. He made a way

🎤 In times of trouble I find Him to be a friend of mine.

🎤 Something about the name Jesus. It is the sweetest name I know.

YOUNG PEOPLE, OLD PEOPLE AND THOSE IN BETWEEN GOD TOLD ME TO TELL YOU THERE IS POWER IN THE NAME OF JESUS. There is POWER in PRAYING. There is HEALING, there is JOY, there is PEACE, there is DELIVERANCE, there is LOVE, there is EVERYTHING YOU NEED with my God. Call out, cry out, praise out, pray out in the name of Jesus.

“And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.”

8 thoughts on “An answer to prayer: God’s uncanny strength

  1. Powerful message this cold morning. You all are in my prayers every morning and ever night.

  2. WOW! AMEN,AMEN,AMEN! What a beautiful testimony of the power of prayer. That”s my lifes story. (PRAYER) I always said GOD matches up Mother and Child perfectly in order to complete HIS purpose. I see that here. Thru the years I’ve seen why HE took me thru so many things I did not understand. Usually it was for others.To encourage them that HE got me thru it so I KNOW HE will get you thru it. And the blessings and the peace that came from serving and worshiping a LOVING GOD brings me to tears of how good HE is. Life wasn’t easy , but with our GOD it was wonderful! You were born for this! GOD’s hand is so evident in your life. HE couldn’t trust anyone else with your contribution to us. And to all who are in your life.Your openness and honesty takes courage. And I do hope our prayers for you will strengthen you to continue your work for GOD. When your 63 like me you’ll look back and see HE was there ALL the time. We see you, we hear you, we love you and we thank you. Praying always for you and your family my dear. Love Ms Onnie

    1. Ms Onnie; I’m over here crying tears of joy.

      What you have said has TRULY BLESSED MY HEART.

      I pray if God blesses me to see 63 I will be as courageous, bold, God-centered and God-focused, the prayer warrior, the bundle of blessings, and as compassionate as you.

      You are an inspiration to many and I am blessed to have gotten to known you and see how God works in and through you.

      I love you my dear sister in Christ!

  3. Isn’t it just amazing how God’s strength is perfect in our weakness? God shines in and through you, my sister! You, your mom, Rico and the boys are walking testimonies of our LIVING and LOVING GOD! 🙌🏾🙌🏼🙌🏾🙌🏼Lifting up continued prayers!

    1. It is truly a beautiful thing to witness my sweet friend and dear sister.

      Thank you for being apart of this testimony and on this journey with us.

      We love you and your family dearly. 💜

  4. And over a year later I am finding myself at this post. I may have missed it when you post it and have read it it but didn’t get the chance to respond. All I can say now is that you are as strong as an ox….None like I have never seen though. Seems like you can carry a whole BRICK house on your shoulders….seems like its pressure on all sides and it feels like your knee about to give out and then God shows up and you knee straightens out…..then it seems like you just want to cry a river, and then God is there wiping those tears away giving you comfort and saying being Strong, my child, my daughter. You are my inspiration and I love you through it all. And with this post, know that you are not alone my pig nose.

    1. I love you more. In everything you said all I can do is give all honor and glory that’s due to our God. I am nothing without Him. I can do nothing but through Him.

      God said He will never leave us nor forsake us and when I look at all of the things you and I have gone through in life and I look at the resilience I give glory to God. Where would we be without Him?

      The same strength I have, you have times two. You have the weight of a house and 3 young children that you manage by yourself. God has given you a strength I have never seen and you never give up.

      With that said, YOU are the real inspiration. I love you so much my horse nose!!!

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