We made it through the storm and the rain.

You ever heard the saying “the struggle is real?” I used to say that all the time when my family and I weren’t even making enough to say we lived paycheck to paycheck. Many moons we had to “rob Peter to pay Paul.” Many moons we had to figure out which bills can we go another month without paying before we get a pink slip just to keep the roof over our head. Let’s just say that didn’t always work out and sometimes we found ourselves sleeping on my moms couch a time or two.

I look back and even though we didn’t have a lot, I can honestly say we didn’t manage the money well that we did have. We wanted to keep up with the “joneses” knowing we didn’t have the “pot to piss in our the window to throw it out.” We went through eviction, went through the shame and embarrassment of the whole neighborhood seeing the Richland County Sheriff’s Department throwing our personal belongings out on the street, we’ve had our shares of clothing drives, food banks, Cooperative Ministry paying our light bill, and getting free diapers from different church based organizations.

Yep, we went through it. But I’m so glad this morning that though we WENT through it we AREN’T THERE TODAY! You see when Rico and I gained some financial common sense we were able to set up a budget, we were able to upgrade our jobs because McDonalds and Marshall’s wasn’t “cutting the mustard”, we were able to give back to the Lord although it wasn’t as consistent as it should have been, we were able to be comfortable and finally make it to where we could afford our lifestyle and maybe have ten or twenty cents in the bank after all the bills were paid.

But you see God didn’t let us stay there, oh He provided a MAJOR comeback for our setbacks over the years.

I know God allowed us to suffer for some time to help us see we weren’t invisible and that we didn’t have nothing without Him. Sometimes when folks get money they forget who blessed them with the job, the health, the strength, transportation or that bus ticket to allow them to have some money in their pocket. Some folks get the big head and the struggle humbles them. In my case the struggle showed me to appreciate EVERYTHING and not to take for granted what we could have had but wasn’t responsible enough to handle.

It’s easy judging folks about how they manage their finances but it takes someone who LIVED in the struggle be it a personal choice, bad decisions, or whatever led you to the point I thank God He has helped us to make the necessary provisions in our lives.

Yet again so quickly do people forget you can go right back to that same poverty or way of thinking in a second if you aren’t careful.

God knows that soldiers are to be made only in battle; they are not to be grown in peaceful times.”

Charles Spurgeon

God placed it on my heart to talk about this today because often times I hear so many people talk about the “good old days,” but folks forget about the same struggles from those days. They forget about the generational struggles some folks came up in, they forget about the poverty their parents and grandparents fought hard to get them up out of, and oh often do we forget how it help mold us and make us into the very being we are today.

Speaking for myself I don’t act “bouchée” and I always remember where my help comes from! I know that God has brought and delivered me through the storm, the pain, the sunshine and the rain.

Now to put some context to what I’m saying…I don’t want those reading todays message to think only the “poor” struggle because that is the furthest from the truth. It’s plenty of ways to struggle other than financially. You got folks who struggle daily mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and the list goes on.

Aren’t you happy there is a higher power than you and I? Aren’t you happy we serve a God that doesn’t lie? Aren’t you happy we serve a God who cannot disappoint? Are you glad about our God keeping all of His promises. Lord knows I am. You see when you start to dissect God’s word we see that some of our very own choices led us to the rabbit hole we are in, the successful lifestyle we always wanted to obtain, or in the midst of a breakthrough.

Struggles aren’t meant to be a punishment in the sense that some think. God doesn’t delight in our demise but how many folks can’t agree that it helped humble us and put all of our trust in the one whom is omnipresent, omnipotent, and all powerful!

Can I tell you this morning that God does not put more on us than we can bear. Can I tell you this morning that troubles don’t last always. Oh is there anyone out there this morning that knows that God is gracious, God is loving, and God cares. I don’t think y’all hear me this morning!

God wants us all to know that He is there for us through it all. He wants us to know we must praise Him in the good and the bad, the Happy and the sad, our ups and our down, in and through our disappointments. He is always there and He will lend a helping hand.

This morning I don’t want you to look at struggles as consequences and I want you to look at the blessings that are yield from our various struggles. God wants to make and mold you not break or fold you.

I pray that whatever you have struggled with, are struggling with, or will struggle with it will produce a steadfast faith. It is my prayer you see God’s strength and His power in every situation. Lord I pray this morning for those reading today’s message that they know they can put their trust and hope in You.

For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.

Isaiah 41:13

Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love Him.

James 1:12

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.

2 Corinthians 12:9

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

Psalm 46:1

I was afraid I couldn’t make it past certain hurdles in my life, I was afraid I would fail BUT GOD! He gave me the strength to endure and the faith bigger than the size of a mustard seed. Thank you Lord for carrying me through some rough times and some very dark days. When I’m afraid, I’ll put my trust in God. Will you do the same?

5 thoughts on “We made it through the storm and the rain.

  1. I had to copy and paste this part:

    “I was afraid I couldn’t make it past certain hurdles in my life, I was afraid I would fail BUT GOD! He gave me the strength to endure and the faith bigger than the size of a mustard seed. Thank you Lord for carrying me through some rough times and some very dark days. When I’m afraid, I’ll put my trust in God.”

    Yes! All the above you mentioned was the story of my life, just more deaths and me just drifting out in the wilderness. BUT GOD!!!!! HALLEUJAH! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SON JESUS! OH How I praise your name right now! Glory be to God. Got my shouting, praising,, and dancing shoes on right now……Oh the struggle! To see where I use to be and to where God has blessed me and brought me out to where I am now…🤸🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♂️🏃🏿‍♀️💃🏿🏃🏿‍♂️. Oh how I have a magnitude👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿👏🏿🙌🏿👏🏿🙌🏿👏🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿👏🏿🙌🏿👏🏿🙌🏿👏🏿🙌🏿👏🏿🙌🏿👏🏿🙌🏿👏🏿🙌🏿👏🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿👏🏿 of praise on my lips this morning. Glory be to God. Halleujah! I can’t stop praising his name! His wonderful name! We may be in the middle of a pandemic but my God is the Almighty Powerful God! He is El Shaddai, The Lord God Almighty, Adonis, Lord Master, The Most High! Jehovah Rapha! The LORD that Heals! El Olam, the everlasting God! Oh how this message moves me. And the best part, GOD IS NOT DONE WITH ME OR US YET!!!!!!!!!🏃🏿‍♂️🏃🏿‍♀️💃🏿🕺 We still have work to do! 🧗‍♂️🧗‍♀️🧗‍♂️🧗‍♀️🧗‍♀️It Ain’t Over YET! The best is yet to come! We are all apart of God’s Great Plan. Oh don’t you know God has the Greatest Master Plan of All Time🙌🏿 with all of his Children carrying out his will. Aren’t you glad to be apart of the Master Plan. He predestined us to do his will before the world began; Can’t you feel the power of God in you? Oh how it’s sparked up in me this morning! What a mighty God we Serve. In Rick Flares voice:📣 Whooooooooooooooooa!!!!!!!!!!!! Halleujah God! Yes. Halleujah! Halleujah! You may say why Faith carrying on like she is….Well you don’t know MY story! I should of been dead and gone at the age of 4 years old but I am STILL here. By his Grace and Mercy,, I am STILL here. Both Mother and Father gone. Grandma and Grandpa gone. But I am still HERE. Being apart of one of the most DOPEST plans in Mankind’s history ever. Will you be apart of God’s master piece? Let’s be about our Father’s business. Let’s spread the good news. Let’s remember our past.. see how God brought us through it to where we will use it for our good……..I give God Gory and honor and I thank you Whitnee for your inspiration that came out of me. ❤

    1. Faith now I have on my praising, shouting, and dancing shoes!!! Your response just gave me life and I feel like YOUR message INSPIRED me more than than EVER THIS MORNING.

      Yes when I think of the goodness of the Lord it makes me want to shout. And you are right it’s not over until GOD says it’s over so we must keep fighting, keep praying, keep praising, and keep pressing on until we hear the words of our Heavenly Father saying “well done!”

      Oh we haven’t run out of gas NO GOD HAS GIVEN US PLENTY OF GAS. So I thank you my sweet sister and friend for helping me recharge this morning and slip right into my dance shoes to scream GLORY HALLELUJAH.

      We could have all been dead and in our grave BUT JESUS WITH ALL POWER IN HIS HAND said GET UP, and be about my Fathers business.

      Oh Faith we know it is a GREAT work still to be done and I’m glad this morning to know I don’t have to spread the GOOD NEWS on my own.

      Oh thank you for allowing God to use YOU to bless me this morning! I love you! 💜

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