It could happen to anyone (short story written by Whitnee’)

“Picture it!” Sicily 1922, it was a dark, stormy night and Gustavo had to work the graveyard shift. He was a fisherman during the day but a crook by night. In the next town over there was a lady by the name of Madeline that he was head over hills for. The problem was he was the husband of a devoted wife who was expecting their second set of twins.

Madeline had experienced great pain during this pregnancy and had bed bound for several months. It caused Gustavo to have to pick up extra shifts and even work later to make ends meet. Little did Gustavo’s wife, Anne, know- this would lead to a scandalous affair.

The whole town knew but kept it from Anne, not wanting to cause any stress so she would be able to carry her twins to full term. Little did Anne’s next door neighbor, Gretchen, know Gustavo was about to break up with Anne and it would be Gretchen to help take care of her and her unborn children.

A few months had passed and Anne was in her third trimester. Gustavo had come home early from work to break the news to his wife. In excitement, Anne kept interrupting thinking her husband had gotten a promotion at work so he could spend more time at home and less nights in the street “at work.” To her surprise he was ending their 7 year marriage and leaving his pregnant wife for Madison.

Anne was devastated and went into a deep depression as everything she loved and adored was packing up and moving to the town next to Sicily with Madison. Gretchen noticed Anne hadn’t sent her oldest two kids to school in a few days so she decided to stop by. The door was cracked so she let herself in. Dishes were in the sink, trash was overflowing, laundry baskets were full, and the pantry was bare.

Gretchen saw the kids lying in bed and she made her way upstairs to Anne’s room. Anne was sitting in the rocking chair looking out the window crying to herself. Startled by Gretchen, Anne quickly wiped her face and asked what she was doing in her house. As much as Anne tried to fight back tears- she couldn’t resist letting it all out because she was heartbroken.

Anne told Gretchen her husband of 7 years had up and run off with a lady by the name of Madison and she recently found out in a letter from Gustavo, Madison was expecting a set of twins himself.

Instead of Gretchen sitting there allowing Anne to wallow in her pity she made her get up, freshen up, get the Kids up and off to school. Over the next few days Gretchen stayed with Anne to ensure she was mentally, physically, and emotionally ready to deliver the babies in her ever growing belly. Gretchen was a mid-wife and was an excellent prayer warrior who knew exactly what could cheer Anne up.

A week went by and Anne delivered two beautiful little girls. She named them Abigail and Serenity. They were such enchanting little angels from above. Gretchen vowed that she would never allow what happened to Anne, effect her beautiful baby girls and Anne’s ability to care for them and her oldest children.

Time went on and Gustavo had come into town to bring a load of fish to the local supermarket and he ran into Anne. By surprise she was not bitter nor was she ugly towards him. He told her that he had broken things off with Madison because she was no good for him. He tried his hardest to “come back home” but Anne said she could never forget what he did to her and walked away. That was the last time Anne ever heard from Gustavo again. He was found in his car with a single bullet to the brain. He couldn’t believe he let the best thing that ever happened to him slip away for the towns jezebel.

Anne raised Abigail, Serenity, Gustavo Jr., and Franklin on her own. She never remarried. She never found love again. But she was okay, because the greatest gift Gustavo gave her, callee her mommy!


When I was just a young girl I used to make up my own love stories. When I got a little older I loved watching the Golden Girls. So this was a modern day mix to a story that Sophia could have shared with Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose. This was the first short story I have written in over 20 years, what do you think?

The moral of this short story is although Anne’s husband had cheated, it didn’t kill her, it made her stronger! What would have happened differently if the people in the town of Sicily would have told Anne that her husband was being unfaithful?

I guess we will never know but use your imagination, what are your thoughts?

I paired this short story with today’s scripture reading because in Galatians the Bible talks about bearing one another’s burdens. In this short story Gretchen, the neighbor, bore the load of sorrow, depression, and hopelessness. Her faith held her up and lifted Anne up as well. Although Anne was in the dark it didn’t stop her from being the best mother she could be. She nurtured her kids and raised them on her own.

I thank God for neighbors like Gretchen and I thank God for His word.

Lesson of the day:

When you see something wrong don’t turn a blind eye and expect someone else to come clean. No matter how the person may take the news, speak the truth out of love and love them no matter how they react. It’s not our job to shelter folks from the truth but it is our job when it comes to friendship, relationships, and being accountable for one another to have faith in God that they will heal and come out on top like Anne.

Anne could have turned the blind eye and been a fake friend acting like nothing happened. She could have sheltered Anne who knew her husbands story didn’t add up. She could have not wanted to “rock the boat” out of fear of loosing her friend, but she allowed her faith in God to speak through the situation.

So the next time you look at the news and you see it is little Ricky from down the street that just robbed the liquor store down the street and killed an old lady, bring solace to the family of the deceased and come toward. Society might think you are a snitch but God will bless you for allowing a family to mourn knowing their grandmothers killer is off of the street.

I know this is a twist from what I normally post but this could happen and truth is…stories like this happen everyday. Speak up next time. They may be upset at first but deep down inside they knew it was the truth and just didn’t want to accept it. Help ease their trouble mind.

I thank you to all the readers reading this short story with an open mind. I pray you got the moral of today’s message and although this isn’t based upon my life, it is my prayer it has inspired you to tell the truth and speak out of love.

TELL THE TRUTH AND SHAME THE DEVIL! They will thank you in the end!

5 thoughts on “It could happen to anyone (short story written by Whitnee’)

  1. Girl I thought that was one of Sophia stories. Awesome short story. Very creative. I can admit sometimes the truth is not what we want to hear but sometimes its needed.

    1. 😂😂😂😂😂 You know I am a Golden Girl fan, the only thing I stole was “picture it, Sicily 1922.” You crack me up!

  2. So I am just reading this and seeing this. I loved the short story, what a good morale and sad in the end for Gustavo. Instead of him being selfish and only thinking about the hurt that he caused, He should of made a commitment to do what is right and since he wanted to end his life, he should have made that commitment to fight for his wife and do right by his children and do everything in his power to get his wife back. Fight for Love and if she doesn’t take him back, that’s on him due to his cheating. I loved it. I didnt’ know you write short stories. I wrote short stories as well.

    1. Aww I think you are the only person who liked it. Yes I wrote short stories since a little girl but this is the first one that took less than an hour to write and I put it out on the spot.

      I had an internal battle I was facing and it helped to add some zest to it to thicken the plot.

      I want to read yours ma’am!

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