Racing against the clock.

🎶 He’s an on time God, yes He is
Oh on time God, yes He is
Job said, He may not come when you want him
But He’ll be there right on time.
I tell He’s an on time God
Yes He is 🎶
Dottie People’s

We used to sing that song in church and it wasn’t until I got into my early adulthood that I could truly understand the lyrics of this song.

You see often times some of us like the song for the melody, the beat, it’s catchy, or something of the sort. We don’t take the time to marinate on the words and allow the song to sink deep within our souls. But it’s times when life smacks us up side the head, that we take the time to really understand what folks like Dottie Peoples was talking about.

You ever had a bill due and didn’t know how it was going to get paid? Ever had a deadline to meet and you weren’t even close to starting? Maybe you had a job interview and on the way you blew a tire. Y’all know what I’m talking about? I’m talking about when your heart starts racing and you feel like you are racing against the clock?!!!

Too often we find ourselves living on “go” 24/7. We allow the stress of our day to day lives to take our peace. We allow the fear of the unknown and mans timing to depict our every move. Sometimes not having that instant gratification will rip our hearts out if we allow it. Why is this?

The Bible tells us in the Book of Psalm, the 90th chapter, beginning at the 4th verse, For a thousand years in Your sight are like yesterday when it is past, and like a watch in the night.

What this means in plain terminology is, our timing is not God’s timing. While our blood is still warm in our veins and our biological clock is still ticking we are always so conscientious of things we have no control of, instead of trusting in God and being at peace.

There is someone out there this morning that needed to hear that God’s got it and He has got you! There is someone out there this morning that just got served an eviction and without a source of income just waiting for the Sheriff Deputy to knock on the door any minute. There may be one that may not know where the money is coming from, but rest assured they know where their help comes from.

Now going back to the word of God, this particular scripture can also be used in the sense that we have been waiting and waiting and waiting and nothing seems to change. We’ve been patient (or so we think) but our situation isn’t changing, there are no end results to our labor, or maybe we can’t get to our destination fast enough.

You see I want to tell you this morning that God is not subjected to the same timeframe we are. What seems like eternity to man, is like a blink of an eye to God. While we have certain restrictions, the same rules don’t apply to the God I serve. He is not racing against the clock nor is He trying to speed up the process like some of us do.

There is another song that comes to mind, it is called Blessed Assurance. You ever heard of it?

It starts of saying, “Blessed assurance Jesus is mine.” That stanza alone is POWERFUL!!!!!

The man of God said it is good to have insurance because in this world you going to need insurance. You need it you are alive and to have your financial affairs in order it is good to have when you die. But oh how sweet it is to have Jesus, now that’s Blessed Assurance.

I just came to reassure you this morning that what you have been waiting for, what you been praying for, what you been hoping for….it can and will come into fruition in God’s timing. We have to trust God and His word. The Bible tells us we can’t worry about tomorrow, what we are going to eat or what we are going to drink. His word has never come back void.

Do I have a witness this morning that can testify that God stands on His promises? Is there anybody this morning that knows that He is an on time God?

I might know your particular circumstances this morning, but God does. He knows what you stand in the need of right now. Won’t you just cast your fears on Him, He cares for you.

Stop worrying about things out of your control. Stop stressing over the “what if’s.” Stop loosing sleep over stuff, find peace and comfort in Christ. Trust Him, His ways, and His timing. Surrender it all to Jesus. Give it all to Him.

This morning I pray that we can all number our days, so that we may gain a heart of wisdom. I pray that we learn to rejoice in all things and that God fills our heart with joy and gladness. Oh how I pray that we learn to lean not on our own understanding, but in all our ways acknowledge Christ, so that He can make our paths straight.

“Because He has set his love upon Me, 
Therefore I will deliver him;
I will set him on high, because he has known My name.
He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble;
I will deliver him and honor him.
With long life I will satisfy him,
And show him My salvation.”
Psalm 91:14-16

In conclusion, rejoice in the Lord and be glad my sisters and brothers. Find security in the Lord. Trust His plan for your life. He has infinite wisdom and ALL POWER in His hands. He is our rock, our sword, our shield, He is our shelter. Find rest in Him. Stop racing against the clock, slow down. Or if you are impatient, find patience in Christ. Declare God’s loving kindness in the morning and His faithfulness every night. Join me in singing praises to His name. God is good all the time, and all the time God is Good!

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