Smiling while struggling

Have you ever been around someone who seems like they have it all together? Like they have no care in the world? Or like nothing phases them?

You ever wonder how they do it? Ever wondered if they were being fake or you assumed it was genuine? Or maybe you realized that though they struggle, they still smile because they know whom they belong to!

I’m sure we have all had our fair share of life’s struggles?! At times we may feel like a fish out of water. Or maybe a dog without teeth. In other words we feel helpless. At times I’m sure we’ve all gotten to the point where we just wanted to give up or you finally reached your breaking point.

Can you remember how that might of caused fear, anxiety, depression, or other adverse effects? How did you dig your way out of that rabbit hole? How did you overcome your struggles? Were you able to maintain a smile while managing such a heavy burden? Leave comments in the comment section below, I would love to hear from you today.

Personally speaking I have been there more times that I would like to admit. I was at the end of my rope and just wanted to give up. It was too much, too soon, and in way too much volume.

What kept me grounded was God’s word. I held onto His promises that He gave us in His word. The Bible tells us in Hebrews 12:2, Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

God rewards us for trusting in Him. Just like He rewarded Abraham for his obedience to Him, God will do the same for you and I. The Bible also tells us that we never have to go at life alone. We find comfort in His word that says He will never leave us nor forsake us.

For the last two years I’ve been tossed and turned by the storms of life. At times all I could do was cry and pray. At times I was so broken I felt like it wasn’t worth my tears anymore but God comforted me and showed me otherwise. He doesn’t put more on us than we can bear so although I felt (key word felt)) like I was going to break, I never did. And if I ever got to that point, my God is the potter. He is there to put us back together again no matter how cracked up and broken we are.

Have you ever felt like you have nothing and no one in this world? But then you realized you have Christ? Can I encourage you this morning to know that Christ is all we need. His strength is enough!!!!

There is a song by Mary Mary that says, “Nobody told me the road would be easy but I don’t believe He’s brought me this far to leave me.”

It’s another song I love that goes like this:

I was sinking in a sea of sin and shame
But Jesus found me and He changed my name

He could have let me drown, He could have let me drown
He could have let me drown, but instead He took me in

Love lifted me, love lifted me
When nothing else could help
Love lifted me
Love lifted me, love lifted me
When nothing else could help
Love lifted me

God wants us to cast all of our anxiety on Him. He wants us to trust Him through the process. He wants to stay focused on Him and hope in Him. I want you to know this morning that God is always right by our side, even when He is silent, He is always there. His grace is sufficient.

The reason why folks can muster up enough strength to smile is because they know God is with them every step of the way, even in the valley. We must depend on God to help us through every situation. The Bible tells us His love for us does not waver.

Isaiah 40:29 says He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless.

Are you feeling weak or powerless this morning? Are you confused? Are you tired and need rest this morning? Seek God He will give you strength.

I’ve learned in my toughest moments in life to rely on God more and more. The tough times have helped strengthen my dependence on Him. By the grace of God I desired to have a deeper relationship with Him.

God desires to have that deep relationship to each person reading today’s message.

God is our help. He is our strength. He is our peace. He is our boy. He is our hope for tomorrow. He is our light in the darkness. He is a way maker. He is a promise keeper.

God wants you to know there is purpose for your suffering. He is telling us to hold steadfast in our faith and to know that there is purpose for whatever it is we are facing. We have to seek God continually so He can reveal the purpose of our suffering. Most of the time it is to regain our focus- it helps us keep our focus on Him.

Be encouraged today my brothers and sisters and learn how to smile and remember this is only temporary. That wound will heal, that void will be filled, that sorrow turn into joy, that pain will cease, and the tears will dry up. Philippians 1:6 days, being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Christ Jesus.

God is doing a new thing in and through you. Rejoice in the Lord. Praise His Holy name. Count it all to joy, when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

To those who may be weary, don’t grow faint in heart. Keep on keeping on. God is able! He cares and He is working it out for Your good.

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. 
John 16:33

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