Rebuilding community one story at a time.

Have you ever met a person and within a few minutes of conversing with this person you find out you are kindred spirit? The Oxford Dictionary defines kindred spirit as a person whose interests or attitudes are similar to ones own. One may also define kindred spirit as being like-minded or soul- minded with a person that you share mutual experiences and have similar connections.

Well I want to share a neat story of how I was blessed by a new coworker at my job. Initially when I walked into the room I could tell there was a slight sense of nervousness so I quickly wanted to address the “elephant” in the room. Once introductions were done and this young lady realized I don’t bite, the atmosphere was a lot more comfortable and calming.

I don’t recall what started our conversation but I bless God for whatever started it. Over the next 11 hours I had the most God-filled, spirit led, soul gratifying, mind boggling, inspiring conversation I have ever had with what society would call a complete stranger. But in faith we know there is no such thing as a stranger, we are all brothers and sisters in Christ.

It’s amazing how God will place people in your life right when you need them the most. We were equally blessed by this encounter and we both felt God’s presence in the room.

Scripture tells us that it is important to fellowship with others. In a sense we are designed to support one another and our needs are often met by the support and love of our community. Community isn’t just about your immediate neighbors, those on surrounding or boarding streets but community includes persons we share interests, goals, etc. with. It is a feeling of fellowship with other people.

While talking we discovered we had many similarities. We have traveled similar paths and we both enjoy writing. This young lady is gifted and one of her talents is writing books. I was so moved by her kind spirit and humbled heart that I immediately began praying over her writing process that God would richly bless her and help her focus so He would be praised through publishing her work.

I shared with her that I too had a desire to one day write a book but was quite stagnant in the process and had been so busy and had many distractions for the last three weeks that I couldn’t even write my motivational texts like I normally would.

What happened next literally blew my mind!!!

We shared our story with one another and in that moment I felt the presence of God. The peace that was in that room was unimaginable. I had never felt so open and transparent with someone I knew nothing about. To be honest I’ve never had the type of Godly conversation we had in a work setting and I’ve definitely never disclosed anything remotely close to someone I supervised. I didn’t see her as a subordinate, I didn’t see her as a stranger; I saw her as the beautiful child of God she is.

Her story gave me so much hope. It inspired me to keep fighting, to keep sharing, to keep writing, and to allow God to work in and through me.

The tears I cried on Saturday and Sunday evening are tears I will never forget for as long as I shall live!

With today’s message I want to encourage those reading to share your story with the person God brings into your life. You’ll know at the very moment that God will use your story to bless others. He will direct your path if you listen to His voice. God wants us to spread His love and tell them about His Good News.

As my coworker said, you may be sitting on someone’s healing, by not sharing your story and letting His light shine through you.

My prayer is this message will give you the courage and strength to spread love. Someone out there may be feeling helpless and hopeless, they may not see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sharing your story may be the very thing that turns their sorrow into joy.

Help bridge the gap. Help connect the dots. Help spread love. Help me to rebuild our community, one story at a time!

6 thoughts on “Rebuilding community one story at a time.

  1. It’s funny that you said you felt the presence of God. On this past Sunday’s message, Pastor Stephen asked when was the last time you felt the presence of God? And to be honest, It’s been awhile I believe when I was writing on your motivational text was the last time I felt the presence like in 2019…Can’t remember what I was commenting on but I felt God’s presence in my writing. I know I look forward to your inspirations because just like you, there are inspirations all around us waiting to be foretold. What I can share is that I obtained my transcript from my former Teacher Mrs. Studstill at Carolina Nursing Assistant Program Academy and She told me that she will be there at my graduation when I obtain my BSN…and that blessed me. Four years ago another one of her students graduated and her parents did not show up to her graduation…Only Mrs. Studstill was there…I mean that meant the world to her. IDK why or the reasoning behind her parents not showing up, but she was so grateful and glad Mrs. Studstill was there. I mean both of her parents were still alive and was invited….I am so glad Ms. Studstill who was extremely busy and canceled a meeting so that she could attend her student’s graduation was faithful to her word that she would be there. Me of course I am looking for her to be there as well along with you pig nose, Deanna, Olivia, Cheryl, My Tati, My Too Live Crew, My Cousins, Uncles, and everyone else. I am looking forward to that day so that I will reintroduce myself as Faith Daniels BSN, CDE so that I can fufill my purpose ultimately his purpose to help people that way that my Heavenly Father planned me to. Amen. Thanks Whitnee.

    1. We are going to continue to praise God in advance for we know that day is coming. This is your time and I bless God for the heart of Mrs Studstill. I too am so happy she was there to honor this students hard work like she will be there to honor you on your graduation day. We will be there front and center as we see you achieve this goal with honors.

      So grateful you are sharing your wisdom with folks like me before you even complete the course.

      To God be the glory my friend and sweet sister, I love you!

    2. I forgot to thank you for the constant and consistent encouragement to keep writing as well.

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