
Faith and I had a wonderful discussion after attending Bible study on Wednesday night. We were given homework to study 1 Corinthians 7 so to get a head start Faith began reading the lesson shortly after dismissal. One thing led to another and we got on the topic of finances. It’s no secret gas is high, groceries are high, clothing is high, I mean these days what isn’t right?!! Something she said next really resonated well with my spirit and God placed this message on my heart.

After describing the plans for Madison’s 5th birthday party and going over a few pressing bills that need to be paid before the end of next month, Faith said, “I’m not going to worry about it because the money is going to come from somewhere. God’s got it and I’ve got other things to think about verses worrying about these bills.” (Not word for word or exactly how she said it- but you get the picture).

Without stressing or worrying about something that she couldn’t change at the moment, Faith decided to put her faith in God. She knows that although things look a little challenging right now, God can do the impossible.

Have you ever seen the 1997 version of Cinderella with recording artists Whitney Houston and Brandy? They have a song that I would love to share with you. Click the link and to view the YouTube video.

Scripture tells us not to worry about tomorrow. Scripture tells us to put our hope in Christ. It tells us to believe in His word and His promises. So looking at the scripture of the day, one might think certain things are impossible but I’m here to tell you today that there is nothing impossible for my God!

When God is involved, anything can happen. Be open and stay that way. God has a beautiful way of bringing good vibrations out of broken cords.

Charles Swindoll

Luke 18:27 says, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.”

God placed it on my heart to share just a few words of encouragement this morning.

  • Do not allow your doubts, your fears, your misunderstanding to put limitations on God. God is a God of infinite power and All things are possible in Christ.
  • Trust God in all your ways.
  • God is a way maker, miracle worker, He is light in the darkness, He is a promise keeper. Allow God to perform a miracle in your life today. My brothers and sisters I don’t know what you are facing but trust God today and know in your heart nothing is impossible for Him. Your bills may be due and you don’t know where the money is coming from, trust God. You might have gotten a bad diagnoses from the doctor and your heart is heavy, praise God in the midst of your sorrow and claim healing over your body.
  • Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you. 1 Corinthians 2:10 says, But God has revealed them to us through His spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.
  • Get to know God and get to know the truth for yourself. Not through the pastor, your neighbor, your spouse, or the man standing on the corner BUT get to know Him for yourself.

Speaking from personal experience I know we are in some trying times. A lot of us are experiencing struggles we didn’t even know would exist BUT thank God you are not alone and we know that God will not put more on us than we can bear. I want us to remember today that God knows and sees all things and He knows our future. Yes some of us may be going through some tough stuff right now but we all know trouble doesn’t last always. In closing, open your heart and believe in the living God that He will never leave you nor forsake you and that He can and will do what’s impossible to man, but all things are possible in Him.

7 thoughts on “Impossible.

  1. Amen. Amen. God of possible! That’s the song Madison wants to sing on praise team.

  2. Another update. Just wanted to share about Whitnee and our conversation….worrying where money or anything is going to come from….well God showed up and showed out the very next day. I needed some money for some bills and clothes for the kids and guess what….Our Father in Heaven came through. What a Blessing. HALLELUJAH GOD. I was just having that conversation with Whitnee about I don’t know where it’s going to come from, but I am not worried about it. God will provide and He did. I am a living witness to this impossible man but Possible God. Amen Somebody!!!!!!! Saints of God we need to start testifying about our situations and show these unbelievers that we have a God who doesn’t need money to pay bills. We have a God who doesn’t need medicine to heal! We have a God who can feed thousands with just 2 fish and five loaves of bread!!! We have a God!!!!! that can make a way out of No Way!!!! We have a God who will Be your Protector!!! Your Rock! Your Sword! and Shield!!!! Hallelujah. We have a God that will fight your battles! He will make Your enemies your foot stoole!!!! Amen. Can somebody say We have a God!!!!…I feel a praise coming on…..about to kick off these Ole house shoes and put on my dancing shoes!!!! Hallelujah God. Praise Be Onto the One True God! The King of Kings! The Lord of Lords! The Alpha and Omega. JEHOVAH JIRAH, JEHOVAH RAPHA YES GOD! HAVE YOUR WAY IN ME, IN WHITNEE, IN YOUR PEOPLE! WE RECEIVE IT WITH ARMS OPEN WIDE. HALLELUJAH! With our dancing shoes on. GLORY BE TO GOD. 🏃🏿‍♀️🏃🏿💃🏿🤸🏾‍♂️🤸🏿‍♀️👏🏾🙌🏿🙏🏿

    1. Well I woke up this morning with the fire burning and now I’ve got on my dancing shoes right along with you.

      Oh thanks be to God for giving us the gift of life this morning. Thank you Father for being our God. Thank you God for being a promise keeper and a way maker not only for Faith but for all of us. Thank you for looking high and searching low dear God. Heavenly Father I too bless your name right God. Oh glory hallelujah! You see when the testimonies of Your people keep rolling in Lord God there is no reason that we can stop and give you a hand clap of praise. Father there is no reason why we too can’t put on our dancing shoes and tell someone of Your wondrous works.

      God you’ve been so good, better than I could ever be to myself. Lord you have been faithful when people where faithless. God you have been merciful when we have been sinners. God you’ve shown us grace when we fell short of Your will over our lives.

      Lord I thank you for giving Faith this message that she has shared so boldly with the Lord. Lord God I thank you for placing her in my life to encourage me at times such as these. God people may not really understand what I am going through or the next person dear Father, but You know God. And God you know it all because you the Lord of Lords, King of Kings, Lord You reign and the victory belongs to You Jesus. Oh Glory be to God.

      Faith you got me up here shouting on this ole bad knee of mine but I’m going to shout, I’m going to praise, I’m going to thank God, I’m going to keep on witnessing to His people, I’m going to keep spreading His word, I’m going to keep encouraging folks, I’m going to keep doing what God has called me to do.

      You have an anointing over your life Faith that God is revealing to man. Walk in your purpose friend. Thanking God for the endless possibilities in Him.

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