I Am Who I Say I Am.

My brothers and sisters I want to share with you today a message that God placed on my heart while I was reading His word last night. While studying 1 Corinthians chapter 2 yesterday it dawned on me that we as a people often forget who God is. We marginalize and minimize who He is because of our circumstances. We doubt His power, and for today’s message I want to talk about how often we forget the power given to us from our Heavenly Father and we forget who we are in Christ.

You know I sat and I thought about how I would start today’s message and after running into a friend that I haven’t seen in over two or three years it dawned on me: just jump right in there and pray that it is well received. Although I hadn’t seen Candace in years, it felt like yesterday that we spoke and it gave me the courage and confidence needed for today’s message.

Look I know a lot of us are going through some trying times. We’ve questioned, we’ve grown faint at times, we’ve been discouraged, we’ve tried to cope, we’ve tried to deal with the hand we’ve been dealt, we’ve tried to skip corners, we’ve done and thought things that may not have been pleasing to God or even shown the faith in God that we have. I get it, I’ve been there! But then something happens and we see the light at the end of the tunnel. When we reach that mountaintop do we expect it to be smooth coming down or are we equipped for the bumps and bruises on the way down?!!!

🔊 ENOUGH IS ENOUGH 🔊 Is that where you are right now? Are you burnt out or on the verge of being burnt out? If you are keep reading, God’s word is going to bring the encouragement you need to keep on pushing towards the mark.

For a moment take the time to read Exodus chapter 3. For easy access click here.

For the sake of time this morning and being mindful of staying on topic I want to pull out a few things that might ease your mind this morning and remind you of Who God is from the reading of Exodus 3.

  • Take a look at verse 2. An angel appeared to Moses in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush. So he looked, and behold, the Bush was burning with fire, but the Bush was not consumed. God speaks to us in mysterious ways. Some folks say he uses unusual circumstances or he gets us out of our comfort zone. Can you think of a time that you were uncomfortable and God was trying to get your attention? Sickness, death of a loved one, hardship, break up, rejection, etc.? Don’t focus on the situation but focus on God and what He is saying to you.
  • In verses 4, God called out to Moses and He appeared saying, “Moses, Moses!” And he said, “Here I am.” In verse 5 he told Moses to remove his shoes because he stood on holy ground. How many of you know God has, will, or is coming to you and you too shall have your “burning Bush” moment. With everything going on in the world, God sees it and He sees us. Verse 8 says- And the Lord said: “I have surely seen the oppression of My people who are in Egypt, and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters, for I know their sorrows. Did you know this morning that God sees your sorrows? God sees our hurt, our pain, our tears, and He sees our troubles. God is a sovereign God and although we may not understand His tactics and we often ask the question “why me Lord”, we have to trust and obey. The songwriter says trust and obey, for there is no other way. To be happy in Jesus, to trust and obey. I want you to understand it is not our way but His. I need you to know that it is not our timing but His.
  • Verse 14 which is the featured Scripture of the day: “I AM WHO I AM.” I need you all to hear 👂 me loud 🔊 and clear this morning, WE SERVE THE TRUE AND LIVING GOD! God is EVERYTHING! Like I said yesterday He is the way maker, promise keeper, miracle worker, light in the darkness, He is the alpha and the omega- the beginning and the end, He is I AM! When everything else fails, God remains the same as He did yesterday, today, and tomorrow. His power is infinite. His wisdom is unimaginative. His love is unfailing. His abilities are limitless. God is bigger than cancer. He is greater than diabetes. He is more majestic than the war in Ukraine. He IS the bomb diggity and all the nuclear bombs Russia has, has nothing on my God.
  • God makes no mistakes. He created us in His own image. Anything He puts on us, He will be there to see us through and to help us get through it. God would not have given you something He didn’t think you could handle. It says it in His word. Look at Moses! Did Moses think God would choose him to lead the people out of Egypt after he murdered a man? Such is life- what we do is condemn people for their mistakes or think we aren’t qualified because we don’t have what the next man has. I AM A LIVING WITNESS THAT GOD WILL USE YOU WITHOUT THE CREDENTIALS, without the masters degree, without the golden spoon in your mouth, with all our imperfections and blemishes, etc. God will reveal Himself in and through us and through various situations.
  • Whatever God’s plan is for your life IT WILL COME INTO FRUITION. IT WILL COME TO PASS. Trust His plan, His way, His word, and His truths. Friends I want you to know God didn’t raise a quitter, we have to endure and we have to fight the good fight of faith. I’m with you on this one friends; I know life isn’t always easy…I know the easy thing to do is to give up…but don’t let the enemy trick you out of your blessings…don’t forget God allows certain things to happen for reasons we don’t understand….trust Him…trust Him…trust Him!!!! Again I get it. For the last 2-3 years I’ve been tested, I’ve been hurt, I’ve been beat down, battered and bruised, I’ve suffered loss after loss, I lost my mom, I almost lost my marriage, and believe it or not I think I lost my dern mind BUT I STAYED FAITHFUL. I wouldn’t give up because I knew God’s word to be true. He saw the ending and knew what I would go through and I knew He didn’t bring me through all of that to leave me. Just as God knew how Pharaoh would respond, God knows about what we are or will face.

Now that I’ve given you a taste of who God is according to what Exodus 3 says, let’s dive right in to who we are in Christ:

  • We are capable, able body, powerful people in Christ.
  • We are CALLED BY GOD to fulfill His mission in our lives.
  • We are well equipped in Christ. He gives us everything we stand in need of. The question is can we handle it?
  • We are important to God.
  • We are valued by God.
  • We are apart of His body.
  • We are God’s instruments.
  • We are shaped, molded, and sculpted through our life experiences to be who God wants us to be in Him. How can you talk about how God delivered you and kept you safe in the midst of the storm, if you never been in one? How can you say you can stand, if you haven’t fallen down before? How do you know you are strong, if you’ve never been broken? How can you minister about God in jail, if you’ve never been? Folks all I am saying is there is purpose in everything we go through. Trust God!
  • We are out in positions to show God’s grace and mercy and His love.
  • We have a voice in Christ.
  • We can never have too much Jesus. We need Him every step of the way. We can do nothing on our own. It’s not about us but it’s about Jesus. It’s not our strength, but His.
  • We can and will be fruitful servants of Christ when we understand His truths.
  • WE DON’T HAVE TO WORRY! We should not fear! We should not doubt! But WE WILL PREVAIL. Folks it’s time to shift the way we communicate, we have to shift our way of thinking, we have to speak positive things and cast the negativity into the sea of doubt and fear.

Y’all don’t know the fire I feel for today’s message because God keeps blessing me in the midst of my mess. He keeps on proving Him and His word to be true. Every time I think I can’t, I won’t, I’m not smart enough, wise enough, slim enough, pretty enough…GOD PUTS ME IN MY PLACE and He reveals Himself in every situation. If someone would have told me years ago I would be using my words to encourage people I would have called them a liar, I would have rejected what they were saying because I didn’t think I was worthy! BUT GOD!!!!!!! Oh glory hallelujah!!! Praise His name somebody. For He is good and worthy of your praise this morning.

I can’t wrap my finger around it to put adequate words of just how good God is.

Folks we have a great work to do. We have to be faithful, diligent, trusting, obedient, bold, courageous, open, reliable, and willing to allow God to use us. Open your hearts to God, let Him in. He is knocking at your heart through your hurt, through your pain, through your grief, through your children, through your community, through your job, through your church, etc.

God has not and will not fail you! He is preparing you to do His work. Are you ready? If not, friends we have to get ready!!!! What I’ve learned while on this journey with Christ, we have times where we must wait, be patient, and just trust! The human in me admits it can be challenging but the God in me understands the process. I cant reiterate it enough, we have to be faithful and obedient friends.

No we may not be tasked with delivering the children of Israel out Egypt like Moses, but we have all been called to do something in Christ. Know, walk, and live in Your purpose. Know God is who He says He is and You are who God created you to be. Does it all make sense or starting to make sense? Pray with me.

Dear Heavenly Father,

First off God we just want to thank you for being the God who you are. We want to thank you for your heart and your love. We want to thank You for the confidence and encouragement Your word gives us. We want to thank You for Your Holy Spirit. We want to thank You for allowing us to carry everything to you in prayer.

So dear God I come to you with a lot on my mind dear Lord. I come to you admitting that I’ve been struggling with patience and admitting I am a sinner. God I ask you for forgiveness this morning and am asking you to strengthen me and help resist temptation, doubt, consumption of fear, being weak, and ask you to remove anything that is not like You. Lord live in me and use me in the way You see fit. Help me to see myself as You see me. Help me to understand that Your promises are for me even if I don’t feel worthy Lord. Lord I want to praise You in all things and in all ways. I want my yes to be Your yes. Help me father.

And dear God I’m asking you to strengthen my friends this morning as they travel this life’s journey as well. Give them what they stand in need of. Hear their cry and show yourself in the midst of their adversity. Lord help them to see You and know you are there. God strengthen us where we are weak. God help us to have thankful hearts and find the positives in every situation no matter how difficult it will be. Lord allow our trials to yield blessings and praises to your Holy name.

God we thank you for all Your creations. We thank you for the responsibility you have given us. We thank you for seeing the good in us despite all the bad we may have done or Will do. Allow us to be Your spokesperson here on earth. Allow us to walk and talk like you would have us to do so. We thank you for preparing us for great things. God let Your will be done. We call you Holy and we bless your name.

Thank you again God for the opportunity to serve you and allow Your light to shine in and through us. Lord help us to be more responsible and obedient like Moses. Lord help us to be patient and not take the shortcuts in life that can lead to headache and heartache. And Lord if we fall short we thank you for forgiving us and giving us a second chance. You’re worthy God. We love you and we thank you. In the previous name of Jesus, Amen.

After reading today’s message I pray something has been said, a scripture has been read, or a prayer of the saints has been lifted on your behalf that will encourage you to walk into your purpose in faith. I pray you have a better understanding of Who God is, who you are, and what He can do in and through YOU. You reading, YES YOU, I’m talking to you!!!!! I pray this message helps you understand your place in God’s kingdom and you see your worth and your value in Christ.

6 thoughts on “I Am Who I Say I Am.

  1. Amen. I am who God says I am. I am and will be Faith Daniels, RN BSN CDE. The time is Now! Be who God wants us to be now! We must Act Now! God gave us all different gifts and we must activate them now and use them to bring our brothers and sisters to Christ. Amen Pig Nose. Amen! To God be the Glory!

    1. Praise God! Humbled to working with beautiful prayer Warriors and visionaries such as yourself in my journey with Christ.

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