1 thought on “Featured Inspiration: Divine Order/Timing by Lavonda B.

  1. That is very true. I know sometimes I get in a rush and want things right now or asap. We can not rush God. God acts on his timing not man’s. I still sing that song Dottie People’s He’s an on Time God and I carry that song with me in Life. Some testimonials I remember speaking with Whitnee about Bill’s coming up and I was like you know what….I am not going to worry about it, God will provide and guess the financial assistance came the very next day. I just put my trust in the Lord and my Faith and God did provide. I also look at God’s timing on the majority of my immediate family gaining their wings like they did. They may not be here physically, but God has replaced their love and spirits in different people that I see and love everyday or atleadt I see on Sundays in church. It’s like well my mother passed so I was not aware of this….but God sends 3 or 4 people on how to do this.. I didn’t know about an issue with my car and boom he comes 2 or 3 mechanics trying to fix my car…..or I needed to know this from my late Auntie and boom here come 2 or 3 “work aunties” giving me some wisdom. Sometimes yes I do get do get sad and lonely and here comes God sending the “right” people for this hole that I may have in chest but it’s being patched up by this person’s love they have for me. God does not make mistakes and I can honestly say it was perfect timing when I met with you pig nose and the relationship that we had was strong and am glad that I met you on GOD’S Timing and had not missed you on man’s timing. Glad that I met all of my other friends on God’s timing and have brought back family and friends in God’s timing. Amen.

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