I found joy in his smile.

I happened to look down at the gas light and noticed it stated low fuel so I decided to get off of the interstate and go down Two Notch before making it to the appointment at the dealership.

Normally on every exit you will find a homeless veteran, woman with her baby, a whole family, or sometimes just single individuals holding a sign. This morning it was an older gentleman with kind eyes and a warm smile holding up a sign. I didn’t think to read it, just rolled my window down and handed him the money that was in the arm rest.

The light was still on red so I sat and chatted with him a few minutes. By surprise he didn’t do what some folks do, grab the money and then go to the next car looking for spare change. Although I didn’t get his name, I had a delightful conversation with him for those few moments at the still red light.

He mentioned that he normally stands on Forest Drive but had to move because someone tried to rob him with a machete. He normally sleeps in a tent until he can save up to get a sleeping bag but since he had to leave Forest Drive, he now only has a tarp. Out of everything this man said, I never heard one complaint. He spoke of the “bright side” of everything. He even went on to say every weekend he goes to the library to fill out job applications and will go to the nearest store to use the phone if someone allows him to, to check on the status of his application.

I’m so grateful for the man with the kind eyes and warm smile. I’m so grateful I decided to get off on Two Notch to stop and get gas verses heading straight for the dealership. You see it is a blessing in disguise.

I had just taken my kids to camp and as I drove down North Main, the sadness that has been in my eyes formed into tears. Tears filled with emptiness, sorrow, pain, grief, and the list goes on.

Have you ever found yourself where you are just numb to life? Like you have experienced so much hurt and despair that you are in some sort of fog or daze as you go through life.

I mean sure you function perfectly fine around people but when you get by yourself the raw emotions scream out at you. Maybe it’s just me!

So many folks are quick to judge you but don’t even know the half of your story or even care to know a third of it. We all have a story to tell, we all have a story to share and instead of being judgmental thinking the worse in every situation or assume we lack faith, why can’t we just say less but provide something as simple as a warm smile or hug.

I know many of us have unspoken prayers and although we aren’t verbal about it, those needs are still there.

I pray for the day we can all learn to be genuinely kind to one another, show compassion, stop passing judgment, be supportive, and be present in someone’s time of need.

Some folks need an outlet. Not the weed, cigarettes, liquor, or fast women that society will try to push on you; but the genuine care and concern from friends and family.

I don’t know who this message is for but I put my heart out there and my love as well. With so many hurting souls, more warm smiles and kind hearts will help brighten up our day.

So don’t be selfish- allow God’s light to shine through you and be that smile, hot meal, transportation, listening ear, tight hug, or prayer that someone standing in the need of encouragement needs.

Whatever your gifts or talents are, use them to glorify God.

Talking to a friend yesterday I realized I had to crawl back out of my shell and put my heart out so maybe one or two people could receive some words of encouragement.

I drove up to my home and opened the door to my middle son waiting at the steps for me. On the side of the road was a man who had the biggest smile, bigger than I’ve had in a long time and he sleeps in a tarp he turned into a tent that he purchased at the dollar store. I say this to say don’t ever think because a person “has it all” that they are better off than you. Don’t ever take for granted the silent battles we all face.

God is in the midst and He hears, sees, and knows all. Remember everything we go through, we are never alone. We can take it to God in prayer and trust Him to handle it.

If you receive todays message, I urge you to go out and spread the love of God.

Amen somebody.

9 thoughts on “I found joy in his smile.

  1. Oh how I can relate. I come across so many homeless people from different areas of life, veterans, teachers, husbands, wives….ect. Each story is different. Do I feel sorry for them? Honestly yes and no. I look at it as life is a whole bunch of decision making. I mean being rich, poor, in between are a whole bunch of decisions from the time the human body comes out the womb and learns right from wrong. We are in our situation right now from our decisions that we have made in life. Thing is to stay humble and remain grateful for ever situation you encounter and learn from it. God can change a situation in the blink of an eye. All you have to do is trust him and believe. I give you a relative of mine. He is homeless and has been really the entire adulthood of his life. Yes he calls me with his problems…but he seems to have a joke behind it….and I would get so frustrated with him but I’ve come to the realization that I can’t change him or his situation. God can and he knows it. I mean the situation he is on is just not funny but everything he makes a joke out of everything. He is learning to laugh his way through his situation and he recently told me that God has him and is showing him that if he just lean on him, God will be a provider for everything that needs. Now….I usually don’t agree with him but my relative wasn’t lying about this. How many know that God is our Shelter in the time of storms, in the time of Need. God is the WAYMAKER. I can testify and say IT is SO. I trust God and believe God to do everything and anything I need and put my Faith in Him and miracles yes I call them miracles start to happen….whether if it be financial, spiritual, mental, physical, ect…….IT STARTS TO HAPPEN. I am a witness. Got bills popping up like an acne out break but let me tell you something God coming in smooth like that Noxzema Face Cream or that ProActiv Face cream and clear them all away! I am a living witness! And in the midst of it all……I have a smile on my face, the homeless man has a smile on his face, my relative has a smile on his face still Giving God the Glory!!!! Hallelujah somebody!

  2. I read this earlier on my break and had to come back and read it again! Definitely spoke volumes to me for various reasons. Sometimes it feels like we just go through the motions of our every day lives, just to get through it. And then like you said, we get alone and emotions are literally screaming! You met the man at the light for a reason. May God bless you! 💜

    1. Amen; praying for you my friend and any unspoken needs.

      Yes there was purpose for sure. His smile made me want to push pass my little “pain and funk” that I’m in and write.

      God bless you too!

  3. And again I found joy in this family member’s smile..Things were not going great for this person but he still found a reason to smile. And there was much joy. HALLELUJAH.

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