Eyes Wide Open.

But I want you to know, brethren, that the things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel, so that it has become evident to the whole palace guard, and to all the rest, that my chains are in Christ, and most of the brethren in the Lord, having become confident by my chains, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.

Philippians 1:12-14

While sitting in the waiting room of the hospital while my father in law is in the operating room all I kept saying to myself was “What the enemy meant for evil, God is working it out for my good! “

How many of you can testify that the enemy is been busy? He has been trying to tear me down and attack my friends, family, and loved ones. God sees and He knows all about it but again, what the enemy meant for evil God is going to work out for His good.

How many of y’all know this morning that God is good! Look at the Scripture above (Philippians 1:12-16). God has a way of turning your dark days into bright, sunny days. He is able to turn your negatives into positives. He is able to turn your sorrow into joy. How many of y’all know that to be true this morning?

You see when God placed this message on my heart yesterday I had the burning desire to share with you a little bit about some things that led up to me sitting in this waiting room but as I read God’s word and studied todays passage I realized I didn’t have to go that deep. The scripture of the day speaks for itself.

My brothers and sisters I want you to know that God is still on the throne! He never left. He never fail. His protection never left you. No matter what you are going through, no matter how bad things look, no matter how many times you want to throw in the towel; even when you get weary, even when your faith grows faint, even when you can’t see any good out of your situation; trust God.

I came to you this morning that God is working it out for your good. He is setting you up for something greater! He is making you wait for a reason. He hasn’t answered your particular prayer because He is planning something bigger than what you’ve asked for.

It’s time for us to start praising God and thanking Him in advance. It’s time to start walking in our destiny. It’s time to live life with purpose. It’s time to stop giving Satan credit and access to our peace. It’s time to silence the negativity and turn up on the positive. It’s time to stop looking at what has been taken away and get ready for what we are about to receive.

Your future speaks life. Your future speaks wealth. Your future speaks good health. Your future speaks rekindled relationships that were broken. Your future speaks joy. Your future speaks peace. Your future speaks glory.

While you claim the victory that God has already won listen to the song below to chant the words of the song, 🎵 what the enemy meant for evil, God is working out for OUR good! 🎵 Amen somebody!

7 thoughts on “Eyes Wide Open.

  1. Amen. Prayers sent for your in laws. Family is so important. Family is something that needs to be stressed to these young folks. I am so grateful that Mr. Rydell has a daughter in law that will get up at the crack of dawn to come and sit in waiting room and pray before, during, and after surgery. How grateful I am to have a friend like you. I know your in-laws are too. Bless you Whitnee.

    1. It was my honor to sit and pray for Roddell and keep Ezelda and Rico company. I didn’t want them worrying or stressing over something that was out of their control.

      It worked out that I had to work overnight last night so yes ma’am I prayed before, during, and after and would do it all over again if I had to.

      I’m grateful to have a friend like you too horse nose. I love you!

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