3 thoughts on “<2 pt video> Let your Yes be Yes

  1. You being so honest & open about your feelings & allowing others to see your raw emotions is completely selfless & inspiring. It’s so beautiful to see your walk & the YES in your spirit & soul. You are surrounded by love & uplifting. May God bless you always & may he bless everyone you touch on a daily basis. 🙏 😇❤

    1. Kami thank you so much my beautiful friend for your support, words of encouragement, love, and your BIG heart.

      You know I was very nervous about posting this video but then decided no need to edit, no need to add anything, or write behind it.

      Writing is my comfort zone but it was something about that song that led me to share via video verses written form.

      I love you friend, you have truly blessed me this morning!

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