What does your prayer life look like?

The other Sunday we were asked what does our prayer life look like. We were given very distinct questions and a task that I would like to share with you this morning. In my own life I too have had to examine and ask God and being more intentional to make sure I listen for His voice and not be mistaken by the desire of my wants. It is this exercise that God has asked me to share with you, that we can take the time necessary to examine our own prayer lives. I mean when is the last time you’ve done that?

If you have any suggestions to add todays list please add them in the comment section below.

Here are a few tips that were given to us in church to help:

  1. Write down what you would like to ask God.
    • Do not ask for materialistic things but instead ask God for spiritual things.
  2. Watch God work

The next part I want to share is an exercise used in Sunday school. I was asked to step in to help teach the middle school class and in return was blessed to have combined classes with the high school class where I received what I am about to share with you!

Imagine a tree trunk…….

This will help you for you visual learners

Imagine you are sitting at the base of this tree in the wooden bench. Inside the tree are where all of your good and godly thoughts will remain. But on the inside of the tree with all the leaves on the ground is where you should drop those negative thoughts. So in other words the good thoughts stay and make up the bark and nutrients of the tree while the negative thoughts and actions should be like the leaves that fall on to the ground and wither or wash away.

For example, I was nervous at work because I was moved to a different division under a different supervisor and it took me out of my comfort zone. The negative thoughts were ones of insecurity, fear and doubt. Those thoughts were quickly replaced with contentment, reassurance on what I knew would stay the same, positive way to adapt to change.

Do you have a situation in your life where you could use this model and example of the tree trunk to really change the way you think? What about the way you approach stuff.

How could this benefit your walk in Christ?

Todays message is short and brief as it was my desire to only share God’s wisdom that was given to me to be shared with others.

God bless!

2 thoughts on “What does your prayer life look like?

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