Auntie’s wish for Noah!

A few weeks ago I had the best conversation with a lovely woman of Christ. She and I worked together for several years and the time had come when it was time to move on to the next chapter in her life. During our conversation she spoke about her nephew Noah.

Noah is a 10 year old fellow with a big heart and a bright future. He is currently hospitalized and undergoing chemotherapy/radiation to rid his body of cancer.

After hearing a little bit about Noah, my heart became full and instantly I tried to think of ways we could bring joy to this handsome young man.

Suddenly I was reminded of something Rico said about my mom when she was battling throat cancer. He graciously said, “Mom Dukez was the life of the party. And now that she is down, we have to bring the party for her.” He came up with the brilliant idea to get people to come over and visit her but due to covid, that wasn’t the safest choice knowing her immune system would be compromised. So we ended up coming up with this: we asked several friends, family, and church members to record themselves praying, singing, speaking, etc. to my mom in hopes of lifting her spirits. Boy how did it work!

So in my mind if it worked for my mom, it surely could work for Noah. So I shared the idea with Noah’s aunt, she liked the idea! We talked some more and she told me Noah was a HUGE wrestling fan and his favorite Wrestler was Roman Reigns. Simultaneously we thought it would be so cool if we could somehow get Roman Reigns to visit, call, write, video chat, or just communicate somehow with Noah.

Noah’s aunt is a profound author, gifted entrepreneur, chaplain, wife, mother, on top of many other things. But the way she described her love for her nephew was life changing. Not many people would openly show, share, advocate, and speak up but that wasn’t the case for this lovely auntie.

A seed has been planted in faith and now I need your help to help this baby grow. I need your help reaching out to Roman Reigns via social media, fan clubs, WWE Corporation, the news outlets, and other platforms to get him to call, video chat, write, or even visit Noah while he is the hospital to help lift his spirits.

I know it has to get pretty lonely sitting in the hospital bed. I know it has to be hard not being at school and away from teachers and friends day after day. But what an amazing gift it would to be in contact with your favorite wrestler? I’m sure it would make his day.

So for those of you who are tech savvy, have a big heart, have connections, or just want to do what you can do to brighten up Noah’s day help me reach Roman Reigns to make this little angel’s wish come true.

With his aunts permission I’ll see if I can get a mailing address to send him a card and provide words of encouragement.

May God richly bless you for your thoughts, prayers, and actions on behalf of Noah M.

4 thoughts on “Auntie’s wish for Noah!

  1. Amen. I am praying for this young man. Prayingbthat cancer rids his body. Praying for healing. I am praying thst somehow his favorite wrestler rea he’s out and is able to communicate with him. In Jesus Name. Amen.

  2. I know nothing about wrestling or wrestlers, but I pray someone will be able to contact Roman and make this happen for Noah! I can and will pray for Noah, though!!

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