Nothing like a mama’s touch

As one whom his mother comforts, So I will comfort you; And you shall be comforted in Jerusalem.

Isaiah 66:13 NKJV

Ever gotten a boo boo from falling off a bike, jumping off of the swings and landing the wrong way, or got hit in the face with a ball?

Before getting that soothing touch from mom your face may look like this:

After mama’s touch or kiss you probably looked like this:

It’s something about a touch from mama that will make everything alright.

I think back at Malachi’s birthday party at how the kids had a blast at the skate park. I remember a little girl, maybe 14 or 15, fell while doing a cool trick with her roller blades. She balled up crying in pain due to hitting her elbow on the pavement but soon enough her mom ran to her rescue, grabbed her up, and brushed the dirt off of her daughter. She rubbed her daughter and held her in her arms and reassured her that everything was going to be okay. A few moments later all the tears had dried up and the teenager girl was off and back to rollerblading with no cares in the world.

It was amazing to see how boys and girls felt more secure once they were given that kiss of comfort, that touch of peace, or the look of love that helped these boys and girls be the brave, resilient Rockstars that they are.

I mean look at these pics, you can see for yourselves:

The same way mothers provide that comfort to their children; I’m so grateful God comforts us in this way.

I can’t tell you how glad I am that even though I don’t have mama’s touch of tenderness that God will hold me and rock me in His loving arms just like mama would. I’m much heavier than my momma so I’m sure she is smiling down on me thanking God He is big enough and strong enough to cradle me in His arms! 😉

How many of us could use the comforting touch from our mamas? For those of you who still have your mama squeeze her neck, kiss her cheek, rub her feet, tell her you love her because it’s nothing like mama’s touch.

I thank God for the memories I have and I thank God that I grew to appreciate all the sacrifices, the long hours, the long labor of love, the warm meals, the hot baths, the hairstyles, the cool clothes, the nice shoes, the bed linens, the words of encouragement, the love, oh THE LOVE that Willia Davis gave you HEAR ME! I tell you I bless God for that woman everyday and everyday I pray you bless God and cherish your moms too.

Motherhood is a gift from God. It is not easy but the strong women in my life like Tal, Meg, Jasmine, Mrs. Harris, Aunt Classie Mae, Ezelda, Ms Rita, Ms Samuel, Ms Loretta, Ms Onnie, Anna, Tatayana, Rhonda, Kelly, Ms Valerie, Brittney, Tasha, D’Etta, Ashanti, Robyn, Kami, Kim, Christy, and the list goes on and on…they make it look easy.

When I looked at this picture of Tatayana wiping the icing off of Liam’s face it instantly reminded me of Isaiah 66:13.

There may be one today that is longing for that tender touch of your mother. Maybe you have a broken relationship with your mother, maybe she isn’t or never was in the picture, maybe she is sick, or maybe she is in Heaven with my mother….don’t be sad because I know a God who loves you and created you and can rock you, love you, soothe you, comfort you, raise you up, heal your wounds, heal your spirit, save your soul….COME ON SOMEBODY…better than Dorothy and them can. You know who I’m talking about.

Going back to Monday’s message while saluting mothers and women across this great nation, let’s be comforted by our Heavenly Father while drawing nearer to Him.

Special shout out to Tatayana and all of the great women and little boys and girls who were captured in todays text.

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