Saturday video testimonial (trusting God)

Good morning my brothers and sisters. I’ve missed you all and I truly have missed sharing on Inspiration All Around Me. Been dealing with some things but God is still good. While getting used to these wrist braces I have to wear I decided to record a video to share how good God is. (Please excuse my face as I am having allergic reactions to almost everything right and it’s affecting my skin)

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6 thoughts on “Saturday video testimonial (trusting God)

  1. POWERFUL MESSAGE YESSSSSSS. Trust in God. Thank you for sharing and keep striving for you all dreams. It’s always going to be hard at first but keep your head up and keep pushing.

  2. Love this! I loved it from beginning and until the end. And your testimony shows just who our Daddy is. Amen! Amen! And you are right it’s many of us who are just existing and not Living! Like you said we work hard for the fruits of out labor and don’t get to enjoy it because we are worrying about paying dominion energy, the water bill, car note, insurance, mortgage, clothes, gas, food, etc…but You know God didn’t create us just to work a 9 to 5 and then kill ourselves in overtime.
    The first half of Romans 12:6, which promised us that we each have God-given talents. In the second half of that verse (NKJV), the Apostle Paul took it a step further by telling us that using our God-given talents isn’t an option.“Let us use them.” That’s why it’s vital for all of God’s children to work in our careers that lets us use our God-given talents. We spend most of our lives at work, and we completely waste our time and talents. I can admit that I am one of those people or at least I have felt I have been close to my calling and it’s sad that so many people settle for a J-O-B just to collect a paycheck at the end of the month and work doesn’t have to be like that. It’s time for God’s children to be bold and step out on faith and use our talent. It’s time! Thanks Whitnee. I loved this video…it’s funny how you kept saying….to make a long story short and you were still talking. 😂 🤣.

    1. Well said. Yes I agree we work for a paycheck but do we really get to enjoy the work we work so hard for? Or just settle because it pays the bills, or some of them to be correct.

      With the creation of Diabetes Talk, Faith you are walking in your reality and I am so excited for what God is doing through that ministry because we need to be educated. Especially “us folks” who eat for taste and often overlook the nutritional benefits or lack there of. I am so happy that you walk in your purpose daily and it has truly helped my family (especially Emmanuel and myself)- even though the scale still reads the same thing- we have a different mindset and are taking the steps to live a healthier lifestyle.

      You know what, it is a habit of me saying “make a long story short”, and like my old supervisor says,” If Whitnee’ says make a long story short, brace yourselves because there is nothing short about what she is going to say!” That made me laugh 😂

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