Finishing what God started.

You ever had those days when you are ready to say, “I’ve had it, I can’t take it anymore?”

How did you get yourself out of that “funk”, what changed that encouraged you to keep going, or what motivated you to keep on running until you finish the race? (Comments welcome below)

I know we have all had those days. Some more than others but “that’s life right.”

A few weeks ago I was having a rough time adjusting to the “new norm” of interrupted sleep and then I stumbled across this book:

Don’t mind the laundry on my bed behind the picture (it’s been one of those days)

My kids were blessed to have received a signed copy with the following words of encouragement. It reads, “God has his hands on you. Nothing is too hard for God! Finish the Race! Healing is on the way! God bless you and keep you!” By Angela Fields, renown author and inspirational speaker.

I read this book a few weeks ago and put it up to use some of the pages to motivate you but then misplaced it. On the day I told my mom and husband I didn’t want to write anymore- this book popped up. Look at what Angela Fields wrote to YOU:

So without going through painful details of why I was feeling “some type of way” I’ll just ask the question: Have you ever felt like maybe certain things weren’t meant for you? Maybe you aren’t as strong as “put together” as people think you are? Maybe it’s just too much and it’s time to ring the bell?

Well I need you to read Proverbs chapter 4. The verses I have included in the beginning of today’s message says, Ponder the path of your feet, and let all your ways be established. Do not turn to the right or the left; remove your foot from evil.

You see in life it’s not like we go looking for trouble do we?!!! I’m not sitting here saying, “Here I am anxiety, frustration, confusion, tiredness, etc.- come get me.” But stuff happens. It’s just life? Do we go looking for sin? (I don’t) I’m always reminded of Peter in the boat on the water. No matter what Peter was going through, he kept his eyes on Jesus.

How many of us keep our eyes on Jesus when we are going through? Or do we crash into the deep, dark pit; run right into the super sticky spider web; trip over our own shoelaces; or run right into the huge tree branch? Just as Lariana, Diana, Bobby, and Eddy find themselves stumbling over these things, so do we!

We bruise our knee, we get ourselves into sticky situations, we fall for the “okie dok” from time to time, and we most definitely run right into sin- not intentionally I must add. So what do we do? My study Bible suggests:

God calls us to stay spiritually alert at all times, and that includes taking regular inventory of our life’s direction. 

When is the last time you took inventory of your life? What direction are you headed? Are you headed down a path of no return?

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

And lean not on your own understanding;

In all your ways acknowledge Him,

And He shall direct your paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Here is where spiritual wisdom comes into play. In the Bible Solomon was invited by God to ask for whatever he wanted. Solomon could have asked for money, cars, bad chicks, a big house, or whatever but he asked for wisdom. The wisdom God gave him helped him realize he could “not go at this thing alone.” When I say “this thing alone”, I’m talking about this “thing” called life. God gave us a help mate: the Holy Spirit.

So often we get so caught up in those “deep, dark pits” of life we don’t know how to crawl out of them. Can I encourage you this morning by telling you God has His hands outstretched wide ready to help you up. Yes in life things are going to happen- often times out of our control. Does that mean quit or just give up? NO!!!!!!

It means we have to put on our armor of Christ and stay ready for war. God helps us even when you think He is not there. The Word says that He will never leave us or forsake us. God wants us to stop worrying about things out of our control- He wants us to cast our fears and anxiety to Him because He cares for us. He knows what we are going through and what we will face. He is saying to me right now, “Whitnee’ focus on me.” He is saying to you — focus on me!

You see when we too tired to encourage ourselves God gives us this super natural strength to write these words 3 in the morning to help encourage someone else. It’s by God’s grace and mercy that we have come this far- and He is not telling us to quit. Oh no, God is saying endure my Beloved child. Tests, trials, and lets just be real “crap” happens we don’t anticipate- but God knows all and He sees all.

No, we don’t go out looking for trouble but trouble finds us. We have to stop blaming the devil for everything. God brings trials and tribulations to test our faith. Have you done your self inventory lately? How are your faith points adding up? Is it time to “press pause” and rejuvenate?

Our God is so faithful He gives us brand new mercies with each new day. I mean God knows- He created us. He didn’t create us to give up so don’t let your current circumstances trick you out of God’s blessings. God told me this morning to seek His face so I can encourage you to seek His face also. Listen for His voice and ask for His wisdom. You see God’s wisdom will help steer us away from the murky waters. God’s wisdom will help guide us out of the “deep, dark pit.”

I’ve had my fair shares of “deep, dark pits” and through all the ups and downs, twists and turns, cuts and bruises, joys and sorrows- God is my hope for today, tomorrow, and yesterday! When my mind tells me to go left or go right- my heart tells me to look straight. That’s God and His infinite wisdom.

So when I find myself ready to just say “the heck with it”, God throws out the lifeline. He saw me drowning over the last couple of weeks, He knew I was getting close to ringing the bell, and calling it quits. Then He woke me up early, early this morning to the sound I’ve heard since May 30, 2020- my moms trachea being clogged up. Sometimes I anticipate that sound because after I help her- I get to spend some sweet time alone with my “first husband” in the wee hours of the morning. If it’s alright with him, I might talk to Rico for a moment or two before I roll back over and doze back off to sleep.

Well this morning God wanted me all to himself. Rico came and was talking to me and I had to tell him, “for someone who just told you I don’t think I want to write anymore- and you see I’m writing, we need to talk later.” I gave him one of those looks that grandma used to give me. You knew what time it was when grandma would give you those looks. Rico had his finger up like those ushers walking down the aisle, he politely exited stage left.

God is throwing out a lifeline but you have to be spiritually aware to catch it. Don’t allow the enemy to bait you. Don’t allow the twists and turns of this “twisted race” we call life to cause you to miss out on God’s opportunity to put you in the position He wants you to be in.

Picture taken from Instagram -LetsGrowSisters

So when you find yourself at the crossroads of life, stop and drop to your knees.

Picture taken from Instagram

What direction are you headed? Do you know which way to go? God is instructing us to let our ways be established. He is instructing us to remove our feet from evil. My sisters and brothers, trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. We can’t do it by ourselves so the Word says, In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

God is leading- will you follow?

Are you running? Fallen into a “deep, dark pit; find yourself in a sticky situation, shoelaces not tied; walked right into a tree branch or in other words a ‘trap’? God knows all about it. Today’s message is an encouragement to FINISH WHAT GOD HAS STARTED!

We can do it together! Grab your neighbors hand and help him or her to the finish line. God is on the other end cheering us on until we get to see His face.
Do you have what it takes to finish the race? Do you know the promises God has for you? Accept Him into your hearts if you haven’t already. Accept His son Jesus Christ as savior over your life. He is patiently waiting for you. 

Special thanks to Angela Fields, author of “Finish The Race” and illustrations by Deniz Gungor. This children’s book is a MUST READ! Who knew God would use this beautiful lady that came into the Koinonia Camp where my kids were provided with love, good food, biblical lessons, friendships, life skills, and so much more in the summer of 2019 to bless this little lady who was “going through it” in September 2020. WON’T HE DO IT” Looking to support a local non-profit that focuses on building community and nurturing children and families in the Eau Claire community- check out Koinonia of Columbia. If you would like to purchase the book “Finish The Race” it is available for purchase on Amazon. Check out her other profound books of encouragement as well. God bless!

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