Pump your brakes sis!

You ever heard someone talking and your immediate reaction was, “sis tripping for real, for real?” I’ve experienced this quite a few times myself.

I’m sure we can all recall encounters were we have to tell our homegirls, family, coworkers, or whomever to pump their brakes. Though many people don’t like being corrected or told what to do, I’m sure when they look back at the situation and are thinking logically, they would appreciate all that you have done for that person.

Looking back at the last few months, I admit I have had my “pump your brakes” moments and I appreciate folks trying to intervene out of love. I wasn’t out here “wilding out” or anything like that, I just had zero patience with myself. It’s like my expectations of myself were irrational. And then went my sweet friend gave me the advice of “giving myself some grace,” it seemed things started to shift.

It wasn’t the first time she had said that but it was the first time I listened and completed a self inventory and realized I was was not on a healthy path.

So here we are, more than a week in and I tell you, and I tell you “I FEEL GREAT,” in my Tony the Tiger voice!

The peace, joy, and hope that the Book of Romans chapter 15 as been so evident in my life but I guess I was too overwhelmed or stressed out to see it. The way I was handling things wasn’t healthy and it was actually counter productive causing a domino effect mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Last week I touched on the topic of self care and I focused on pouring from an empty cup. When that peace that Christ gives you “disappeared” I should have known something was off immediately. But hey whose judging right? That’s where that grace comes in!

In hopes of providing a valuable life lesson, I’ll put myself on the spot. Instead of turning things over to Christ, praying about it and leaving it there I tried to have my husband “fix a lot of stuff.” Let’s just say it put more “stress” on him and my household suffered because of it.

I’m not going to sit up here and act like there “wasn’t trouble in paradise” because that would be a whole lie. Like my kids say, “stop the cap!” It did however again teach me a valuable lesson.

Today’s lesson is to not allow your circumstances or the position of being “overwhelmed” or stressed out cause you to loose sight of how big God is. A lot of times our actions say we think God is too busy for our petty stuff but He wants us to bring it all to Him. No matter how big or how small; He cares!

The Lord is the only person who can fill that gap, heal that wound, bring peace to our sorrow, bring comfort and restore our hope. So you see it’s good to pump those breaks and take it to the Lord in prayer. Trust Him to do what He says He will do. Have faith in Him and not man. You see we make our first mistake thinking man has a “crystal ball” when in fact man has no power. God is the answer!

In conclusion, the next time you find yourself in a sticky situation and life seems to be just upside down or you are spiraling out of control, find comfort in God. Restore your joy, peace, and hope in Christ. Not the bottle, not the blunt, not the stripper, not the ice cream, not the Debbie cakes, not the pornography, not the pills, or whatever else your vice may be. Take it to God, trust Him, and leave it there. God is able! He has always been able!

Don’t put that pressure on your spouse or other loved ones. God is concerned, He cares, and He is working things out for YOU!!!!

2 thoughts on “Pump your brakes sis!

  1. Yes. Like myself. I do need to slow down and take it to God in prayer. Everything to him in prayer. My journey is a little different, No husband to talk to but I do talk to God. I will continue to pray and talk to God in prayer. I need him. Thanks Whitnee. 😊

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