The Father knows best.

You remember your first experience learning how to drive? What was the first thing your father, older brother, or even driving instructor told you to do?

Make sure you put your seat belt on, right?!

Besides trying to avoid a seatbelt ticket your father or whomever took you on your first lesson wanted to make sure you were safe. He wanted to make sure that the tools you needed to be a successful driver were given to you in hopes of avoiding senseless fines, fender benders, accidents, or even a fatality. That’s the privilege of being taught, the person doing the teacher has experienced things that you’ve not seen or heard, and for some we take heed-some learn the hard way.

Let’s go to scripture. Todays scripture reference comes from 1 Samuel chapter 14. Click here to read the entire chapter. For context for todays message let’s focus our thoughts on verse 6. It reads:

Then Jonathan said to the young man who bore his armor, “Come, let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised; it may be that the Lord will work for us. For nothing restrains the Lord from saving by many or by few.

I Samuel 14:6

Jonathan, son of Saul, was a wise young man. Unlike his father Saul, Jonathan feared God. Because of Jonathan’s obedience and his trust, God did wonderful things through Him.

How often we become narrow minded, egotistical, or even scatter brained times and we don’t heed the advice from our Father. For the context of todays message I’m not talking about your earthly father but your Heavenly Father. Oh yes I know a lot of us to include myself gave daddy a hard time and we paid for. But this is true too for our Father in Heaven.

God gave us warnings but we still veered off and did our own things. But then we expected our Father to rescue us. Anybody been there? Don’t leave me hanging y’all! 😉

All this week my messages are shouting to all reading to cling to God. I was forwarded the title of Pastors sermon entitled, “Responding to God’s Call.” His scripture reading came from Matthew 22:1-14. With his permission I’d like to share that message so we can be blessed by the message God placed on His heart for the children of God. With advancements in technology and dedicated members like Regis, we don’t have to miss the message God has for us.

Scripture goes on to tell us in 1 Samuel 14:23, So the Lord saved Israel that day, and the battle shifted to Beth Aven.

God stood on His words in 1 Samuel 4:6 (scripture reading of the day). You see Jonathan had no clue what the Lord was going to do. He didn’t know how things would turn out, but He trusted Him.

The same way God made provisions for Jonathan, God can make those same provisions for you.

The same way Dave provided protective gear for Elijah (featured picture of the day), God is our comforter, our strength, our protector, and our provider. Like the song lyricist says, He is a Way maker, promise keeper, light in the darkness… Y’all I know God to be a burden bearer, shelter during the storm, feed and water when I’m thirsty, He’s been my mom and my dad, I’m here to tell you He has been my husband when I needed Him to be, He has been friend when I pushed everyone away, He has been my strong tower, He has been my peace, my joy, the reason I sing, the reason I praise, the reason I love and live. Oh yes everything about me, within me, around me is because OF MY FATHER and His protection.

Anyone searching and seeking for a Father who knows best? Anyone trying to find the One who is above all others? Anyone ducking and dodging bullets and need protection from the enemy? Look no further. On Wednesday yet another invitation was extended….the offer still stands. Invite Him in and draw closer to Him!

8 thoughts on “The Father knows best.

  1. Amen my friend. For many years it pained me to not have a relationship with my worldy father BUT God was with me all along & I was never alone. It wasn’t until recent years did I recognize his strong presence, embrace & guidance through it all. Although it saddens me to never have had a relationship with my dad….my God (father) was with me the entire time. I am asking more to hear from him & not just speak to him.

  2. Amen. Truth be told, I have always felt alone when it to my Earthly Father here with me on this Earth when he was alive and now I have a stringer bond with him towards the end if his life. Although he provided every birthday cake and took me on fieldtrips, there was something still missing and He knew it too. It wasn’t u til I started giving him grandchildren that he told me that he know he wasn’t there for me like he needed to be, he wanted to be closer. At the time, he didn’t look sick. He still had the same smile, but maybe in thr back of his mind he may have known something was up IDK. But the next set of years we went through I learned more about my Dad then I had know all my life. It’s funny how sickness and death can bring people closer together well atleast it did for us. However my Heavenly Father had been with me the whole time carrying me and filling in my voids when I needed him to and He still is. Amen Whitnee. Great post.

    1. Amen. I’m so thankful you and Mr. Clarence developed that bond until God called him home to our Heavenly Father.

  3. After the events of the last few days in my life, I am clinging to the promise of a Father who knows best! God hasHis own time and purpose and I will give thought to that over the next few days and weeks as I seek counsel on decisions for the future of recent efforts. Thanks Whitnee for listening and sharing!

    1. You are such an inspiration and I pray you know your efforts were not in vain. You may not have won this battle but I know with God on your side, you will win the war! Keep running this race with Faith and you will get your reward first.

      It has been such a privilege of learning from you and your family, I pray my family will rededicate ourselves to each other to be of service and lift each other up like you and your family do.

      Your family is like the glue and you are a strong born leader and it is a privilege to see God work in and through you.

      My kids are better because of you, I’m better because of you, our church is better because of you, I just love you and your precious wife…and family!

      The best is yet to come!

    2. Oh you know I am a cheer leader for Mr. Richard. And yea Dido Whitnee, my kids are better because of you, Hell I’m better because of you. It’s your passion in your eyes when you sing and speak. It’s the stearness in your voice when you are chastising a child. ( I rather give them good old paddle). But with you it’s the same thing with just your voice. And this generation needs that. 🙄 I hope you find comfort and joy knowing that you have a whole church body family and some backing you 1000 percent. I just love me some Mr. Richard and your sweet sweet wife. Keep ya head up Mr. Richard, you have a better 😉 chair and seat that’s coming your way and you will get elected. You will change thousand upon thousands of lives. 😀

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