Applying the Weight of Words to EBG. Part I

I attended a conference for Every Black Girl that I know every black girl or woman would have benefited from. The things we did, the safe place we shared, the chains that were broken, the freedom in our speech, the liberation of mind, body and soul, the courage, the knowledge gained, the love and respect- that was given and well received will leave a print on my heart forever.

To sit in a room filled with little girls, young ladies, and grown women that have gone through, are in, will go through the same things or similar that I’ve gone through and still shine while smiling is rejuvenating. To breathe in confidence and breathe out self doubt was Exhilarating. To have the place to be free and to me; where my wide hips, coily locs, brown skin, my gap, and inner beauty were not only accepted but embraced and celebrated (on one hand) makes me sad to the core to think that once the conference is over we will all go back to societies who look at some of us as less than. But I choose to stay in this place and hold my head up high because I am God’s beloved daughter and I know my black is beautiful!

When I first walked in I was excited to see a familiar face but I was also excited of the greatness I knew that lied ahead. And boy let me tell you, it was better than what I had ever imagined. After breakfast we were released to our morning sessions.

🌹 First I attended Mrs Vallorie’s Purpose workshop. From the moment you walked into her room, you could feel the beautiful energy and light she gave. It felt like home being in her classroom with the music playing, the smiles, the set up of the chairs, and the overall vibe of things was on point.

We worked on 3 goals that we wanted to achieve that we are not already in the process of doing, we discussed 3 things we are known for, 3 things that we love most about ourselves, 3 things that stand in our way, and we created a purpose profile. Without being too long, what stood out to me most was this: she asked if what stood in our way was perception or tangible. WOW!!! Think about it y’all!

I didn’t leave out the same person that I went in. My mindset had shifted and it would not have been possible had it not been for me attending this workshop.

🌹 And then I took Keomi’s Bringing Out the Inner Child Dance Workshop. I’ll admit I didn’t realize I signed up for a dance class, I had not danced since middle/high school. Sure I might have been a little silly in front of the mirror by myself but definitely not in front of other people. When Terri and I entered the room we were greeted by a beautiful brown skin lady by the name of Keomi. We looked for chairs but were told we wouldn’t be sitting down long because we were about to dance. The nervousness, anxiety, and self doubt start to hit hard. I would have run out of the room probably but the God in Keomi sensed the fear and spoke softly and calmed my nerves.

She turned our “I can’t” into “I CAN”. Her faith in us, her words of hope, her boldness in herself, and the simplicity in her heart helped to truly bring my inner child out. She had us sit with our eyes closed while planting our feet flat on the ground, and we did breathing exercises. The innocence in me came out, I felt like it just Keomi and I in a room learning a dance routine and then as that child came out more I saw each beautiful woman in the room and we danced, we moved, we spoke, we shared, and before you knew it we had just completed a choreographed dance that would be performed the next day. Surprisingly I wasn’t nervous about the performance, I was actually looking forward to it. You see the fear was perception, it wasn’t tangible. And I will forever be grateful for AbundanceByKeomi providing this safe space for that inner child whom I thought had died, to come out, and to most importantly be seen with love and kindness verses scrutiny and disgust.

We broke out for lunch and were invited to a round table discussion if we chose to and it was lovely to sit over good food and discuss things and fellowship.

🌹 After lunch I attended Quinn Hayes The Weight of Words workshop. I was super excited to attend Quinn’s workshop because she is AMAZING and such a renown poet, visionary, author, writer, servant leader, and the list goes on. I walked in not knowing what to expect. I didn’t take the time to write but I took the time to see the hidden talents within every black woman and girl in the room. The things that were created in the timeframe given, the spoken words, just the overall creativity surrounded by words really made my heart smile. The heaviness some of us might have felt was sure left behind after attending Quinn’s workshop.

🌹 My last session on Saturday was painting with Valencia. I had not painted since high school and in that moment I realized I used to love to paint, draw, and create. Like dancing the love for painting had died. My love was resurrected by the soothing voice of Valencia. She removed doubt, confusion, and self destruction by replacing it with empowerment, confidence, and a vision. She shared some of very own prints, knowledge of the African American museum in Orangeburg, and provided a clear vision.

The day had come to an end after we gathered all back and received closing words but when I tell you I fell asleep smiling talking about the joys in specific detail until almost 11 o’clock. I began writing as soon as I got home but couldn’t stop dancing and vibing to Beyoncé’s Brown Skinned Girl that I was just able to some of what I had been trying to say.

🌹 🌹 Sunday came and the founder of Every Black Girl, Vivian Anderson, poured into us. I wish I would have recorded the jewels that came out of her mouth. She spoke with poise, love, and conviction in her voice. Her words were like a balm to my soul. She had been given roses by Quinn and the other facilitators in which she was so deserving of.

The power that was in the room was PHENOMENAL. Vivian said what ever we got out of the conference, it was all of that because we brought it.

So with that said I can boldly say I brought:

  • Love
  • Joy
  • Peace
  • Restoration
  • Healing
  • Physical confidence
  • Spiritual connection to others
  • Power
  • And the list goes on……

We ended with fellowship, brunch, music and dance, followed by a heartfelt prayer. I am forever grateful to each facilitator, each conversation, each hug, each vendor, ever black girl, lady, or woman in attendance, the caterer and her team, the musicians, the male support, Quinn for the invitation, Vivian Anderson founder of Every Black Girl Inc. for this conference, and most importantly to God for being in the mist and leading us all to a place where we can grow, blossom, and bless others.

Tune in for Part II of Applying the Weight of Words to EBG.

3 thoughts on “Applying the Weight of Words to EBG. Part I

  1. I am glad that you attended such an event. Maybe Madison and I can attend the next event. I look forward to it in gaining what sounds like an inner awakening and applying it to your life. Thanks being apart and always sharing.

    1. For sure I pray you and Madison will be apart. I’m telling you I am not the same and I am so thankful for the opportunity. To God be the glory.

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