Mondays Motivation: God is turning things around!

I was talking with Mrs. Rita and Kelly last night and Mrs. Rita shared her devotional from a few days ago with me. In her devotional, it talked about an “indescribable joy!” This morning I smiling ear to ear because I went to sleep and woke up with this indescribable joy.

I read a few words of encouragement sent by some dear friends and the songs that I used to sing growing up came to mind. You ever heard the song that says 🎤 I came to you what Jesus said. I came to tell you what Jesus said….repent of your sins and be baptized. 🎤

Well I kept humming that song and rocking to the lyrics going off in my head on repeat and then this sense of peace came over me. When that peace came over my body, the song changed. I started 🎤 It won’t always be like this…He will perfect that concerning me…and sooner or later, it will turn in my favor…sooner or later, turn in my favor…it’s turning around for me.

The song was so loud in my spirit that I had to go on YouTube and listen to it and this indescribable joy was so powerful in my spirit that God told me to write.

I don’t know exactly what I’m supposed to say, which is very unfamiliar to me but I wanted to be obedient and do what God placed on my heart.

This morning I want to encourage those reading todays message to know God is turning things around in your life. You may have some rough times, but it’s not always going to be like this. You might have some pain, but it wont always be like this. Your money be looking funny, but God is going to bless you in a financial way you weren’t expecting. The chains are being broken. It’s someone praying and interceding for you right now. It’s someone working on your behalf and God is going to make a way out of no way. Can I tell you this morning that God is calling us to stand firm in our faith. He is calling us to trust Him in the midst of the pain, the disappointment, the hate, the backstabbing, the confusion, the fear, the sadness, or whatever else you are facing.

Can I tell you this morning that the same joy that God has placed in my spirit, God has it for you. You see this joy that I have, I must not keep to myself. I feel like standing on the roof top and shouting victory. Glory hallelujah!

My sisters and brothers we have to repent and get back to allowing God to be God. Lord I am a sinner and I confess my faults before man and ask for forgiveness. I ask that you remove what is not of you and increase my faith and allow me to be of Your service Lord even in the midst of my wrongdoings. Lord I pray that I get to see mommy and daddy one day and until that day comes that I can live to tell the world, just what Jesus said. This feeling in my bones right now just make me want to shout.

We never know what a person is going through but I want you to stop for a moment and let’s pray for our family, let’s pray for our community, let’s pray for our husbands, wives, lovers, children, and friends. Let’s pray for our coworkers. Let’s pray for our sick, shut in, imprisoned, mentally unstable, our government, our hospitals, our funeral home workers, health workers, etc.

God is saying He is going to turn these ships around, and we going to be sailing in a new direction. Oh I feel it in my spirit that like Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego that though we walk through the fire we won’t come out burnt or smelling like smoke. No my sisters and brothers we not going to look like the hell we have been through and we going to live to tell someone else to be encouraged.

This morning at work I received a word of encouragement by way of email. It was a quote from Steve Jobs that said, “If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.”

Y’all I don’t know what is pushing you this morning but the love of God is pulling me and it feels like fire in my bones. It’s been shut up for too long and I have to tell those who have an ear to listen that God loves you and God cares.

…Sooner or later…it’s going to turn in your favor…things are turning around for you!!

And even if you hit a bump in the road, I want you to praise God anyhow. Don’t just bless His holy name when you up, bless Him when you down. I tell you the power and love of God is simply amazing. The other day I didn’t know how I was going to pay my mortgage because I tied up bill money into the family business from my full time and felt awful because it was reckless but like Steve Jobs said, I felt pulled to step out on faith and prepare for what would have come by way of orders, it didn’t come, but my kids, Rico, and I were able to show love to 40 people and I FEEL RICH! I feel blessed because not only do I have a roof over my head this morning, it wasn’t robbery for us to do for others. Even in our “nothingness” we can be a blessing to other people. Yes my sisters and brothers, we don’t have to live a life where we forget to help someone else. We don’t have to shut out the world and act like we are the only ones with problems.

Let me stop because I feel like preaching right now and I ain’t no preacher, I’m just happy and I want to tell you what God put in my spirit to say. Listen to this when you get a chance.

Y’all be blessed!

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