Racing against the clock.
🎶 He’s an on time God, yes He isOh on time God, yes He isJob said, He may not come when you want himBut He’ll be there right on time.I tell He’s an on time GodYes He is 🎶 Dottie… Read moreRacing against the clock.
🎶 He’s an on time God, yes He isOh on time God, yes He isJob said, He may not come when you want himBut He’ll be there right on time.I tell He’s an on time GodYes He is 🎶 Dottie… Read moreRacing against the clock.
This past week my husbands side of the family experienced great loss. Within 24 hours, he had lost an aunt, cousin, and his step father. It was so much to take in at once, so many to console, so much… Read moreLiving life unscripted.
“Picture it!” Sicily 1922, it was a dark, stormy night and Gustavo had to work the graveyard shift. He was a fisherman during the day but a crook by night. In the next town over there was a lady by… Read moreIt could happen to anyone (short story written by Whitnee’)
You ever tried to act like someone you’re not? You ever tried to fit into a crowd that just wasn’t on the same page as you? Ever tried something because all the “cool kids” were doing? Ever lost a part… Read moreI just gotta be me.
On this Thursday morning, I am reminded of the various trials and tribulations Job encountered. And no matter how dark his days got, God never left him. The same mercy God showed Job in the midst of his hard times… Read moreWhatever you need God’s got it!
Ever watch the movie “Selena?” I love that movie! Jennifer Lopez did such an amazing job in her role and she really made me fall in love with Selena’s music. One of her songs in particular, always stood out to… Read moreLate in the midnight hour.
I went back “home” to my old stumping grounds and to my surprise the beautiful woman of God who puts the “R” in resilience delivered a Word from God. Her message was entitled “Stay Focused” and the scripture reading came… Read moreBuilt Different.
You ever heard the saying “the struggle is real?” I used to say that all the time when my family and I weren’t even making enough to say we lived paycheck to paycheck. Many moons we had to “rob Peter… Read moreWe made it through the storm and the rain.
As some of you may recall, yesterday was my mom’s birthday. The special thing about this birthday is this was the first year we have had to celebrate her birthday without her being here physically. For those of you who… Read moreWhat a tender God we serve!
Dear Mama, It’s a party, it’s a party, it’s a party! It’s a party in Heaven that is, down here we are celebrating your birthday but WE MISS YOU SO MUCH! This is your first Heavenly birthday. As I wipe… Read moreDear Mama (Happy Birthday Mama)
When I was a little girl I struggled with self esteem issues. When I looked in the mirror I didn’t like what I saw. I saw a girl or according to some people “a little fat girl” that had a… Read moreUnapologetically Beautiful! 7.16.2021
It’s been 3 months, 25 days, and 29 seconds since I found my mom breathless in bed. It was the moment the Earth stood still in my world. It was the moment I felt helpless, lost, afraid, shattered, and for… Read moreShattered but not broken.
Today marks 14 years that you left us. No matter how many years go by I still miss you like it was yesterday. Over the years I’ve experienced so much but the greatest joy to date is developing that relationship… Read moreMask off (a letter to daddy)
The night it finally soaked in that my dad had passed on and I remembered thinking to myself that I was going to live life to the fullest. I had a whole list of things on my bucket list that… Read moreIf only for one night.